After the undeniable success of its Far Cry series, its most recent being Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Ubisoft confirms that it will “clearly” be making a Far Cry 4.
Ubiquitously known for its franchise-oriented nature, Ubisoft has noticed the combined retail and digital sales of upwards of 6 million. Also known for its Assassin’s Creed and Just Cause series, Far Cry is just about considered a Ubisoft household name. Both Far Cry 3 and its Blood Dragon spinoff received high praise, showing off Ubisoft Montreal’s breadth within a brand.
Also, Far Cry 4 is likely to be open world. Ubisoft’s marketing manager, Tony Key, mentions in an interview with Gamespot that they believe that open-world experiences are the “future of gaming.”
Currently there aren’t any details aside from the marketing manager’s promise that there will be a Far Cry 4 with more information in the works. Who can blame Ubisoft for capitalizing on a successful brand? Were you one of the six million to spur Far Cry 4? What are your thoughts on this sequel?
Published: Jul 16, 2013 4:09 AM UTC