Throwback Thursday: Looking Back at Super Mario World

Super Mario World a game most of us can appreciate a throwback to.
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

The era of the Super Nintendo was amazing. It had brought so many good games into our homes for us to enjoy. With the speed runs of Super Mario World being topped I figured I would reminisce about the time spent with the fantastic Mario installment. 

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Super Mario World was a game that many people had enjoyed on the SNES. Although the recent speed runs of the game have narrowed it down to under five minutes to beat the game; many of us loved the fact that we were now able to save our progress until a later date where we could pick up where we left off. 

With the eight beautifully designed worlds that Super Mario World offered the game initially took players a bit of time to work their way through the game. Then as time progressed players discovered the star worlds and other secrets the game had to offer. 

The enemies in Super Mario World were completely revised from the entire Mario series. This game had graphics to match the perfectly designed gameplay. Even though designed it was designed on the SNES it still looks great when played on a smaller screen.

Super Mario World was one of the first games that I recall playing to great extents on the Super Nintendo. The graphical detail, the revised gameplay, and the newly introduced saves seemed to have made a mark on plenty of players minds when they think of the Super Nintendo.

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Image of Eric Nicolai
Eric Nicolai
I acknowledge my writing is not perfect. However, video games are my passion. Looking to break into the industry any way I can. I have a YouTube channel along with Twitch under MisterUnboxers. Twitch streams 8pm Monday thru Friday Eastern Time. Follow on twitter too, FlubbedPython.