There are 8 Covenants in Dark Souls 3 that make multiplater interaction interesting and rewarding. However, many people are playing Dark Souls 3 completely offline. Others still are having problems with the online matchmaking for covenants that have automatic summoning.
We’ll show you how to find, join, and rank up every Covenant in Dark Souls 3, no matter what situation you find yourself in. If you’re looking to get the scoop on NPCs or want to get the most out of Firelink Shrine, be sure to check out our other Dark Souls 3 guides.
You’re likely already well aware, but there are spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution.
Way of Blue
The Way of Blue is the first covenant available in Dark Souls 3. You can find the parchment by talking to High Priestess Emma at the High Wall of Lothric. She’s the woman you get the Banner from at the beginning of the game. Speak with her again after obtaining the Banner and she’ll give you the Way of Blue parchment.
Way of Blue is the only covenant in Dark Souls 3 that doesn’t have ranks or rewards. By equipping the Way of Blue covenant, you can feel secure running around in Ember form. Whenever someone invades your world, the Blue Sentinels and Blades of the Darkmoon will show up to help.
Blue Sentinels
You can join the Blue Sentinels by equipping the parchment given to you by Horace the Hushed. You must talk with Horace at the Halfway Keep bonfire to receive the Blue Sentinels parchment. He won’t offer it to the player anywhere else.
With Blue Sentinels equipped, you will be automatically summoned to a Way of Blue member’s world when they get invaded. Successfully rooting out the invader will reward you with a Proof of Concord Kept. The Blue Sentinels share ranks and rewards with the Blades of the Darkmoon.
Blades of the Darkmoon
The Blades of the Darkmoon are back in Dark Souls 3. You can nab the covenant pendant from Company Captain Yorshka. To find her, head down the spiral staircase from the Anor Londo bonfire and follow the invisible path straight until you run up next to a tower. Roll off towards the Prison Tower bonfire and check around the left side of the building to find Yorshka.
Perform the Darkmoon Loyalty gesture obtained from Sirris of the Sunless Realms to get the Blades of the Darkmoon pendant. With Blades of the Darkmoon equipped, you are automatically summoned to a Way of Blue member’s world when they get invaded.
Succesfully killing the invader(s) will net you Proof of Concord Kept. Turn these into Company Captain Yorshka to rank up Blades of the Darkmoon and Blue Sentinels. She will offer a reward with each rank:
- 10 Proof of Concord Kept – Darkmoon Ring
- 30 Proof of Concord Kept – Darkmoon Blade (Miracle)
If you’re having trouble gather Proof of Concord Kept online, then plop on some item discovery gear and warp to the Anor Londo bonfire. The Silver Knights here drop them.
Warriors of Sunlight
The Warriors of Sunlight talisman is available long before you’ll ever get to rank up, but at least you can start your jolly cooperation early! To find the talisman, go to the Undead Settlement bonfire and head through the house filled with thralls. Exit on the bottom floor and pass the burning tree, continuing straight ahead. Take the left-most entrance to the building and fall down through the hole in the floor here.
You’ll find the Warriors of Sunlight talisman next to a pot of Estus Soup — yum! Equip the covenant item for a golden glow while cooperating with the White Sign Soapstone. If you help a host kill a boss, you and everyone alive at the end of the fight are awarded a Sunlight Medal for your efforts.
In Dark Souls 3, Warriors of Sunlight can even get Sunlight Medals by invading and killing other players. The red glow of an invading phantom has a golden hue to it when invading as a Warrior of Sunlight.
To rank up, turn in Sunlight Medals at the Altar of Sunlight. To find it, make your way up to the Dragonslayer Armor fog gate in Lothric Castle and go left around the building. Climb the ladder to the roof and cross the bridge, entering the building on the other side.
Descend the ladder to the first floor and make your way back across on the inside of the bridge. In the room on the other side you’ll find the Altar of Sunlight. Turn in Sunlight Medals to rank up and earn covenant rewards.
- 10 Sunlight Medals – Sacred Oath (Miracle)
- 30 Sunlight Medals – Great Lightning Spear (Miracle)
If you’re having trouble gathering Sunlight Medals online, then slap on some item discovery gear and farm the Lothric Knights in Lothric Castle.
You can join the Mound-Makers early on in Dark Souls 3, but if you don’t pick it up before killing the Curse-Rotted Greatwood, you’ll have to wait until after you kill 2 Lords of Cinder to grab it.
To nab it early, head to the Undead Settlement bonfire and head through the house filled with thralls. Turn right at the burning tree and cross the bridge. Creep around the building on the right side and follow the path up to a ladder. Climb it and fall off the right side of the roof of the shack. Interact with the mob that has a cage on his back and he’ll take you to Holy Knight Hodrick who invites you to join the Mound-Makers.
If you missed it, then after you kill 2 Lords of Cinder, return to the top of the arena where you fought the Curse-Rotted Greatwood. You should find Sirris’s summon sign just in front of the giant pit. Interact with it to go to her world and kill Holy Knight Hodrick, who will drop the Mound-Makers vertebrae if you don’t already have it. If you haven’t been following Sirris of the Sunless Realm’s questline, you don’t get a second chance to join the Mound-Makers until NG+.
With Mound-Makers equipped, you will appear in the hosts’ worlds as a purple phantom. As a Mound-Maker, you can help hosts through an area or murder them in cold blood. None of the rules apply to you, your only goal is to kill. Red, blue, white, gold, purple, host of embers, it doesn’t matter.
Killing any player online will net you a Vertebrae Shackle. Offer them to the Sacrificial Altar in the Pit of Hollows to rank up and reap covenant rewards.
- 10 Vertebrae Shackles – Bloodlust (Katana)
- 30 Vertebrae Shackles – Warmth (Pyromancy)
If you’re having trouble getting Vertebrae Shackles online, then slap on some item discovery gear and head to the Catacombs of Carthus. The Carthus Swordsmen Skeletons will drop them occasionally.
Rosaria’s Fingers
You can join Rosaria’s Fingers in the Cathedral of the Deep. To reach Rosaria, spawn at the Cleansing Chapel bonfire and turn around. Head into the left shortcut you opened up and turn left, riding the elevator up. Creep around the outside of the tower and climb up the ladder. At the top, drop down onto the arch and climb to the roof of the cathedral.
Turn right at the top and enter the first doorway on the left. Kill the greatsword-weilding paladin on the other side of the rafters and head over to where he was standing. Roll off onto the pillar to the left and drop onto the wooden steps below. Kill the slugs and wind up the stairs and through the large set of double doors. Pledge yourself to Rosaria to receive the Rosaria’s Fingers seal.
Equip Rosaria’s Fingers and invade and kill other players to obtain Pale Tongues. Defeating a Blue Sentinel or Blade of the Darkmoon as an invader will even net you a Forked Pale Tongue, which is just a fancy way of rewarding you with 2 Pale Tongues. Offer these to Rosaria to rank up and earn covenant rewards.
- 10 Pale Tongues – Obscuring Ring
- 30 Pale Tongues – Man-Grub’s Staff
Alternatively, Pale Tongues can be offered to Rosaria to “rebirth” 5 times per playthrough. You can either reset and reallocate your stats or change your character’s appearance — but not gender — through rebirth.
If you’re having trouble getting Pale Tongues online, slap on some item discovery gear and head to the Road of Sacrifices. The Darkwraith here will drop them.
Watchdogs of Farron
You can become a Watchdog of Farron as soon as you reach Farron Keep. From the Keep Ruins bonfire, head forward down the ramp. At the bottom, turn around and head towards the tower on the left. Climb up the ladder surrounded by leeches and pray to the Old Wolf of Farron to receive the Watchdog of Farron medallion.
With Watchdog of Farron equipped, you will automatically be summoned into hosts’ worlds to defend Farron Keep. Kill the host to be rewarded with Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass. Turn these into the Old Wolf of Farron to rank up and earn covenant rewards.
- 10 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass – Old Wolf Curved Sword
- 30 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass – Wolf Knight’s Greatshield & Wolf Ring
If you’re having trouble gathering Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass online, pop on some item discovery gear and farm the beast men scattered about Farron Keep.
Aldrich Faithful
The Aldrich Faithful covenant is hidden behind an illusory wall just before reaching Anor Londo. From the Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire, head outside and go left up the stairs. Cross the courtyard of dead giants and enter the building on the other side. The furthest wall on the left is illusory, go whack it. Slide down the ladder and pull the alligator dogs to fight them one-on-one. Once they’re dead, a bonfire will appear. Interact with Archdeacon McDonnell in the corner of the room to get the Aldrich Faithful symbol.
Equipping Aldrich Faithful allows you to be automatically summoned to defend the Anor Londo area. Killing host’s nets you a Human Dreg. Turn these into Archdeacon McDonnell to rank up and reap covenant rewards.
- 10 Human Dregs – Great Deep Soul (Sorcery)
- 30 Human Dregs – Archdeacon’s Great Staff
If you’re having trouble getting Human Dregs online, slap on some item discovery gear and farm the Deacons around Anor Londo. The best place is near Pontiff Sulyvahn. Head up the shortcut elevator and out onto the balcony with dozens of Deacons and just start slaughtering them all.
While the covenants in Dark Souls 3 greatly enhance the multiplayer experience, you can still grab covenant rewards offline if you’re willing to grind a little. How do you like Dark Souls 3 so far? Chime in below!
(Image Source: Fextralife Wiki)
Published: Apr 25, 2016 7:14 PM UTC