One of the best parts about Borderlands 2 is the amount of customization that goes into making my character my own. Whether I’m an anarchy-driven teenage engineer or a duel-wielding tiny Hispanic man, I am able to my character the way I want it; but the ability tree can only do so much. I mean, before my character can be the best, they’ve got to look the best.
Yes, I’m talkin’ character heads and skins. I spend a lot of my time in Borderlands 2 at the Quick Change in Sanctuary. You can hardly even imagine the amount of pure joy rushing through my body once I pick up a new head. Here is a list of my top five favorite heads from Borderlands 2.
5. Maya as Kawaii Killer
I have never been into the Kawaii culture, but I’m in love with this head. It’s just cute. This head is a rare drop from Vermivorous the Invincible. This varkid can only spawn in True Vault Hunter Mode and Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. As a girl and cat lover, seeing a character like Maya in Kawaii attire just makes me giggle. It is just so against her character, and all her other heads. I would suggest pairing this with feminine colored skins like Pink Pandoracorn and Lilac Combatant.
4. Zer0 as Alienati0n
I’ve always liked the way Zer0 looks–his character is seriously a badass. Alienati0n just takes it to a whole new level. This head is available when you kill Geary, a special enemy located near the top of Mount Hellsfont in the Eridium Blight. He’s a pretty easy kill, but you can also get Alienati0n as a rare drop from the Warrior and our favorite queen Butt Stallion. I think something like Moral Gray Area would look really great with this head. Pairing it with a dark gray would give Zer0 a creepy alien look. You could also go for the more cheesier look and try a green skin like Green-eyed Monster
3. Heads from Torgue Vender Machines
I am a huge Torgue fan; I would live in the Badass Crater of Badassitude. The heads that you get from the Torgue vending machines are so awesome. Each and every character just looks… well… badass–and yes, I wrote that with Mr. Torgue’s voice in mind. I just love how everyone looks biker chic. Keeping in the biker theme, I would definitely keep in those colors–red, black, brown.
2. Gaige as Bullet Buccaneer
The mechro is my class of choice, and I loved the head from Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty. I think this head really sheds new light on Gaige’s personality. The curls really convey her playful, young nature while the eyepatch also shows her love of anarchy. I could be looking into this too much, but that’s what happens when you think about heads and skins as much as I do. I would probably use a red and black skin like Cherry Bomb and Maliwan Grace.
I’m not too fond of Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, but this head honestly makes up for it. This mask is just…well, hilarious. I think this head just makes the game fun. I love the sense of humor behind BL2, and this head shows it.
Well, let’s be honest, Krieg is living proof of Gearbox’s humor–in a sad and sick sort of way. This head is from The Fall of Nakayama, so I would definitely pair this head with blue or brown pants, since that is all the Krieg wears. Try Stop Laughing At Me or Pain is Everything.
Besides shooting nomads and getting awesome guns, I think making my character look good is just as important. I have so much pride for my vault hunters and I like to show it through all the heads and skins I can collect.
What is your favorite head? Is it from your favorite DLC? Do you put as much thought into the way your character looks as I do?
Published: Oct 10, 2013 5:01 AM UTC