My involvement with GameSkinny predates many of my peers. I’m one of the few surviving members of the Beta phase. Since then, I’ve weathered Bastion, Orzhov, Survivor, and now JTP. (We used to have fancier sounding phase names) If there’s a grizzled veteran of GS, it’s probably me. Steph‘s sweeter.
All the phases have started to run together. Team Omega becoming Team Omegacron, being a team lead to becoming just a member of a team — it’s been an interesting process since I first found out about GameSkinny while browsing Reddit.
I’ve been writing for a long time, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t felt the influence of the internship program. There really is nothing like that first article that goes viral, the days you spend checking to see if you’ve hit over a hundred views a day on your dashboard, or finding out that you have an article that has hit 10k views. It’s awesome, but it’s more than that. It feels exactly as rewarding as winning a spelling bee or any air-fist-pumping moment in a John Hughes movie
It’s going to sound boring and technical, but probably one of the best lessons I’ve pulled from GS has been how to properly utilize SEO and titling. Not the most riveting topic, I know, but it’s been the one I’ve felt the strongest growth in. When you’ve been here as long as I have, you start to notice which topics are going to really take off on this site (Pornhub + PS4) and which ones are going to lie stagnant in a pile of refuse.
There was something I said back when I first started the program; “What’s the point of writing good content, if no one is going to read it.” And that still holds true today. It’s been the best lesson of the internship and JTP as a whole; how to produce good content that you can then get people to look at.
Published: Dec 3, 2013 10:37 PM UTC