Super Mario Adventures was previously released as a series of comic book strips in the Nintendo Power magazine between 1992 and 1993. Super Mario Adventures was a fan favorite during its run in the magazine, however, getting a hold of all the comics in their physical form has been quite the challenge for fans and collectors.
Viz Communications has announced that they will be responsible for publishing all of the original comics into a full color graphic novel that will become available on October 12th, 2016. Pre-orders for the graphic novel are currently available at Things From Another World and will set you back only $10.49. The full excerpt of the graphic novel can be seen below:
Super Mario Adventures, inspired by the bestselling Super Mario video game franchise, is a collection of comics that originally ran in Nintendo Power magazine in 1992-93. The peril-plagued Princess Toadstool is kidnapped by the diabolical deadbeat Bowser but super plumbers Mario and Luigi hatch a plan with their new friend Yoshi to rescue her. Are the Super Mario Bros’ plans a pipe dream? Can they stop the Koopa King before he forces the Princess to be his bride?! Long out of print, this stunning, full-color graphic novel is now available once again!
Did you read the original comics that were featured in Nintendo Power and will you be picking up a copy of the graphic novel? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Image
Published: Aug 4, 2016 10:33 AM UTC