It has finally happened. For a long time I have known about them. Shapers. Niantic. Ingress.
But for a long time I could do nothing but follow a trail of information. This was only in thanks to those willing to face the risks, and use our greatest tool for revolution–the internet. Just as Twitter and other social networks have been used in Egypt and places around the world to spread the word of resistance, so too has many networks been used to spread the word of Ingress. Google+ has a large following of communities, for some reason.
Now, I have finally received a hack code from a friend and fellow Agent, Mike DiGiovanni. With it I was able to convert my simple Android Kyocera Event into a Scanner. There were some unfortunate issues with doing this, as the resolution of this device doesn’t meet the needs of the Scanner program well. In consequence, the UI is crowded, and hard to use. Text often flows off the screen, and buttons overlap. It is still usable, though, and for that I am thankful.
Once hacked into the Scanner program, I was able to choose a username. I went with Jamie Karen. Perhaps this is a dangerous decision, it is hard to tell. To use my name certainly leaves me more exposed to possible Enlightened attacks–or attacks from others.
Once you login, you start your training missions.
Your first mission is simple. Collect XM, or Exotic Matter. I went through a brief overview of some of the details I have learned about Ingress in an earlier news article, so I won’t go into too much detail right this moment. It’s better to do short, focused articles. In the future, I will provide insight into many aspects of this phenomenon that’s taking over the world.
Your second training mission is to hack a Portal. This is relatively simple too. You approach a Portal until you are in range, and just click on the UI of your scanner labeled ‘Hack’.
After that you learn that you need to get Resonators, which you deploy at Portals. Resonators increase the XM on a Portal, making it more powerful.
Your last mission is to link Portals together. This is especially important when you link three Portals together to form a Control Field. The Field then establishes control over the population within it. Those of us who are familiar with Portals call them Mind Units. The Resistance’s goal is to create these Fields so we can protect the people within them.
At the end of your training, you may join one of the two Factions. This wasn’t a question for me. I knew what I had to do; what we all should do.
The primary goal of the Resistance is to “defend the takeover of the human race by an unknown “Shaper” force.” The Enlightened seek to allow, unsurprisingly, “the “Enlightenment” of mankind through an alliance with the Shapers.”
Who will you join? If you choose Resistance, I am glad. Please follow me here on GameSkinny, where I will be writing regular reports on my progress as an Agent. If you choose Enlightened, I can only hope you will come to your senses; if you don’t I have no qualms in doing what I have to.
We must protect humanity from the Shapers.
Published: Jun 22, 2013 5:40 AM UTC