Rainforest and Overgrown Greens biomes next to a Volcanic Plains biome in Minecraft
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Top 30 Best Biomes o Plenty Minecraft Seeds for Lazy Players

Biomes o Plenty remains one of the most interesting mods for Minecraft. To make the most of it, check out these 30 world seeds.

Over 50 biomes are added to Minecraft through the Biomes O’ Plenty mod, one of the oldest mods for the game. It continues to evolve with new biomes constantly being added each year. Our list of the 30 best Biomes O’ Plenty seeds will give you the prettiest and most resourceful seeds found while using this mod.

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Minecraft: Top 30 Best Biomes O’ Plenty Seeds List

Woodsy Clearing

A Fir Clearing biome between a Coniferous Forest and an Aspen Glade in the Minecraft Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: 65895158996665506
  • Spawn: 35, -15
  • Biomes: Aspen Glade, Coniferous Forest, Fir Clearing

If you want to dip your toes into the Biomes O’ Plenty mod, this great seed will introduce you to new biomes without feeling too different. All of the biomes near Spawn are unique variations of forest biomes. They’ll allow you to play with new blocks, like maple logs or special plants, without venturing too far from a normal Minecraft survival world. You’ll also have easy access to two Taiga Villages on either side of the Fir Clearing biome.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Taiga Village 1: 90, 175
Taiga Village 2: 37, -396

Overgrown cavern

A large patch of Overgrown Greens biome climbing up a hill next to a Field biome in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 1439052227175987702
  • Spawn: 7, 8
  • Biomes: Field, Overgrown Greens, Redwood Forest

An Overgrown Greens biome climbs over a hill by Spawn in this seed. The hill is home to a shallow cave filled with monsters, which can easily be cleared out to turn it into a base. You’ll have access to lots of Redwood trees to use while clearing out this cave and building around it. Additionally, the area to the northeast is home to a shipwreck and two different villages.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Shipwreck: 255, -115
Taiga Village: 383, -318
Snowy Village: 614, -288

Mythical blue forest

A Minecraft world with a Mystic Grove biome from the Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: 6516483008953822161
  • Spawn: -32, 82
  • Biomes: Grassland, Mystic Grove, Volcanic Plains

Nothing will have you quite as stunned as seeing a blue forest after entering this Minecraft world! The Mystic Grove is a rare Biomes O’ Plenty biome home to special magic trees and a wide variety of colorful flowers. It’s not a very large biome, so carefully gather as many magic tree saplings as possible while chopping down the trees. They’ll make any future builds you create look like something out of a fairytale.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Mystic Grove: 93, -33
Shipwreck: 3, 70

Plains Village by Windswept Crag

A Plains Village on a Crag biome by a Flooded Plains and a Rainforest in Minecraft
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  • Seed: -1869999804036587794
  • Spawn: 1, 17
  • Biomes: Crag, Flooded Plains, Rainforest, Volcano

A Crag with a Plains Village is at the start of this seed. The Crag combines with a Windswept Savanna biome on one side while its other half meets with Flooded Plains and Rainforest biomes. You’ll also come across a few rare Volcano biomes just beyond the Rainforests. These volcanic biomes are made of Smooth Basalts mixed with plenty of magma blocks and flowing lava.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Crag: 1, 17
Flooded Plains: -5, -6
Plains Village: 128, 34
Volcano: -19, -64

Ancient Fields

A Minecraft mountain range with Crag and Fields biomes from the Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: -3664062912327002659
  • Spawn: -1, 1
  • Biomes: Crag, Deep Dark, Field

A Field biome fills the canyon between multiple snowy and Crag mountains in this seed. The Field is filled with a variety of flowers as well as passive mobs, bees, and trees. There are a total of three Ancient Cities beneath the mountains in the area surrounding Spawn. You’ll also find two Pillager Outposts on top of several of the mountains and two additional Ancient Cities south of the western mountain.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Field: -1, 1
Crag: -59, 45
Pillager Outpost: -423, 330
Ancient City 1: 75, -42, -143
Ancient City 2: -280, -42, 160
Ancient City 3: -139, -42, 418

California Redwoods

Two large Redwood Forests separated by a Highlands biome in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 1193611786705625697
  • Spawn: -9, 5
  • Biomes: Highlands, Redwood Forest

This Biomes O’ Plenty seed is home to two large Redwood Forests separated by a Highland biome. The Redwood Forests are filled to the brim with trees, so you’ll want to be careful as they may spawn hostile mobs when night falls. Instead, it’s safer to spend your nights in the Highlands biome so long as you light it up with torches. Highlands biomes spawn a lot of animals, so living in or near this one will ensure you never run out of food.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Redwood Forest: -9, 5
Overgrown Greens: -90, 300
Highland: 7, 296

Volcanic Jungle Temple

A Volcanic Plains biome with a Jungle Temple next to a Minecraft Rainforest
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  • Seed: 4969376237591895281
  • Spawn: -11, 4
  • Biomes: Rainforest, Volcanic Plains

A watery Volcanic Plains biome covers the area around Spawn. This one is a little extra special because it has a Jungle Temple on its southern edge. Around both the Jungle Temple and the Volcanic Plains is a Rainforest, providing a bright pop of color and lots of wood for survival.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Volcanic Plains: -11, 4
Jungle Temple: 34, 164
Rainforest: -4, 106

Starting Marsh

A Marsh biome by a Prairie at the start of a Minecraft world
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  • Seed: -3241035456083875580
  • Spawn: 2, -4
  • Biomes: Jacaranda Glade, Lavender Field, Marsh, Prairie

I don’t often run into Marshes when using Biomes O’ Plenty, so I found it pretty neat to spawn right next to one! It would make for a great place to plant crops that rely on water, like sugarcane. Walking across the Marsh and to the left will lead you to a Prairie biome and a Plains Village. Past the Plains Village is a Lavender Field and a Jacaranda Glade, both of which help add color to the world.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Marsh: 2, -4
Prairie: -143, 94
Plains Village: -204, 289
Lavender Field: -211, 312
Jacaranda Glade: -292, 415

Wetlands biome next to a Bog

A Wetlands biome with purple waters next to a Minecraft Bog biome
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  • Seed: 6177966708892719276
  • Spawn: -8, 2
  • Biomes: Fir Clearing, Wetland

The purple waters of this Wetland contrast nicely with the orange hue of the Bog next to it. Both biomes are relatively safe and watery, being home mostly to water-loving plants like reeds and sugarcane. There is also a ruined Nether portal in the Bog, giving you a way to reach the Nether more quickly than in other seeds. The area around these biomes is home to a variety of other biomes including Fields and Maple Woods. You’ll also find a few kinds of villages by traveling to the east and the west.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Fir Clearing: -8, 2
Wetland: 20, 38
Bog: 57, 203
Ruined Nether portal: 74, 260

Snowblossoms galore

A Minecraft seed with Muskeg, Tundra, and Snowblossom Grove biomes
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  • Seed: -9041852548986358138
  • Spawn: 1, -4
  • Biomes: Muskeg, Snowblossom Grove, Tundra

It’s not often that you find several of the colder biomes from Biomes O’ Plenty next to each other at Spawn. This world begins on a Muskeg biome with a Tunda behind you and icy rivers all around. However, the true highlight of this world is the Snowblossom Grove covering the area in front of you. It’s essentially a wintry version of Minecraft’s Cherry Grove biome. It is the rarest biome of the three, so make sure to take it in while you can.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Muskeg: 1, -4
Tundra: -24, 0
Snowblossom Grove: 91, 66

Purple biomes

A Minecraft seed with a Lavender Field and a Jacaranda Glade at Spawn
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  • Seed: 2773828424620839363
  • Spawn: 1, -1
  • Biomes: Jacaranda Glade, Lavender Field

One of the best things about the Biomes O’ Plenty mod is that it introduces colors into the environment that vanilla Minecraft rarely uses. In this seed, the biomes closest to Spawn are filled with purple flowers and trees. It makes for a wonderful sight, especially since you can easily expand the purple biomes by growing their flowers and trees on the other biomes around them.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Jacaranda Glade: 1, -1
Lavender Field: 83, -4
Plains Village: 129, 293
Old-Growth Woodland: 174, 298

Small Snowy Coniferous island

A small snowy island with a Snowy Coniferous Forest biome in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 3974957957552446679
  • Spawn: 313, -214
  • Biomes: Snowy Coniferous Forest, Snowy Plains

The Snowy Coniferous Forest on this island is a wintry variant of the standard Coniferous Forest biome. Its trees are extremely tall just like their standard counterpart, with the main difference between the two just being the presence of snow on and around the trees. This biome will potential spawn a few violets to give you something pretty to look at. If you find yourself feeling bored, explore the cave on the island or wander across the Frozen Ocean to attack an Ocean Monument.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Snowy Coniferous Forest: 313, -214
Cave entrance: 396, -192
Ocean Monument: 281, 184

Autumn woods

A Minecraft seed with a Maple Woods biome next to an Aspen Glades
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  • Seed: 6629473136943205931
  • Spawn: -2, -3
  • Biomes: Maple Woods, Aspen Glades

The combination of Aspen Glades, Maple Woods, and Pumpkin Patch biomes turn this seed into an autumnal wonderland. The Aspen Glades biome offers a range of plants and mushrooms, which can be useful for crafting potions. A ruined Nether portal is by the Pumpkin Patch in the Aspen Glades while the Maple Woods is home to a Taiga Village. You’ll also find plenty of yellow birch wood, which is useful for crafting and building.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Maple Woods: -2, -3
Taiga Village: 39, 14
Ruined Nether portal: 47, 133
Aspen Glade: 60, 169

Grassy Moor

A Moor and a flower-covered Field biome with a Taiga Village in Minecraft's Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: 3780928368877666231
  • Spawn: 0, -10
  • Biomes: Field, Forested Field, Moore

Crafting various dyes becomes a lot easier after spawning in this Taiga Village spanning across a Moore and a Field. Both biomes are home to a variety of unique plants, including four-leaf clovers and colorful flowers. The thick grass covering the Moore provides natural cover from hostile mobs, making it a safer area to navigate during the nighttime.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Moor: 0, -10
Taiga Village: 19, 3
Ruined Nether portal: 129, 91
Field biome: 52, 41

Scrubland village by Jacaranda Glade

A Minecraft Savanna Village in a Scrublands biome with a Prairie and a Jacaranda Glade
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  • Seed: -1752793946692571847
  • Spawn: -9, 8
  • Biomes: Jacaranda Glade, Prairie, Scrubland

One of the best biomes in the Biomes O’ Plenty mod for farming is the Prairie due to its soil and flat terrain. While the Prairie doesn’t have many trees or cover to prevent hostile mobs from attacking, the nearby Jacaranda Glade makes up for its shortcomings. It has a good mix of Jacaranda trees and Flowering Oaks to use as cover and a source of wood. While this biome doesn’t initially look very big, walking across the Lavender Field next to it will take you to a larger Jacaranda Glade.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Scrubland: -9, 8
Savanna Village: 18, 21
Prairie: 9, -38
Jacaranda Glade: -25, -8

Overgrown village

A Taiga Village in an Overgrown Greens biome fro Minecraft's Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: -8902350848544490552
  • Spawn: -3, 40
  • Biomes: Overgrown Greens, Redwood Forest

Overgrown Greens biomes are perfect for players who prefer flat terrain and want easy access to food and seeds for farming. The revamped version of this biome doesn’t include as many oak tree bushes as it used to, but it is still home to lots of tall grass and four leaf clovers. In either case, you can get enough wood from the nearby Redwood and Coniferous Forests.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Overgrown Greens: -3, 40
Taiga Village: 19, -1
Coniferous Forest: 157, -10
Redwood Forest: -174, 20

Cherry trees and Lavender Fields

A Minecraft Cherry Grove with a Plains Village by a Lavender Field
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  • Seed: -1771461267070561602
  • Spawn: 9, 10
  • Biomes: Cherry Grove, Jacaranda Glade, Lavender Field

The Lavender Field biome is one of the rarer biomes in the Biomes O’ Plenty mod. In this world, you’ll spawn in a Cherry Grove village next to a giant Lavender Field. Between the two biomes is a Jacaranda Glade, which has trees that perfectly connect the colors of the Lavender Field with those of the Cherry Grove. The rest of the surrounding area is home to a Prairie biome.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Cherry Grove: 9, 10
Plains Village: -6, 7
Lavender Field: -21, -57
Jacaranda Glade: 104, -85

Dead Woods

Two Dead Forest biomes next to each other while using the Minecraft Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: 4048080522292530407
  • Spawn: 1, -2
  • Biomes: Maple Woods, Old Growth Dead Forest

Don’t let the sight of this Dead Woods forest trick you, as it’s actually very useful in providing players with plenty of solid wood blocks. However, do be wary as it will spawn plenty of undead hostile mobs. Thankfully, the Maple Grove will help balance the scales by spawning in passive mobs like cows and sheep.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Maple Woods: 1, -2
Old Growth Dead Forest: 17, 12
Dead Forest: 8, 69

Lush Desert

A Minecraft seed covered in Lush Desert and Dryland biomes
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  • Seed: -7607749519160191602
  • Spawn: 0, -9
  • Biomes: Dryland, Lush Desert

It can be difficult to find several of the mod’s Desert biomes in the same spot, but you’ll be lucky enough to get two of them at Spawn alongside a Desert Village. As expected, you’ll find lots of relics here as well as bone blocks, dune grass, sprouts, and more. What’s best about the Biomes O’ Plenty Lush Desert biome is that it allows rain to fall all over the Desert, which is impossible in the vanilla version of Minecraft.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Dryland: 0, -9
Lush Desert: -45, -7
Desert Village: 13, 11

Lavender and Savanna lake

A Minecraft village in a Lavender Fields biome by a lake
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  • Seed: -6888942967205218896
  • Spawn: 1, -3
  • Biomes: Jacaranda Glade, Lavender Field, Pasture, Flower Forest

Lavender biomes are rare and usually only generate in small patches. Here, you’ll spawn next to a Plains Village standing in a Lavender Field next to a lake and an exposed Dripstone Cave. The Jacaranda trees that grow in this biome can be stripped of bark and grown to create their barkless versions. This opens up an opportunity for one of the most unusual farms in Minecraft, but be sure to follow the procedure properly as the number of original trees is limited.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Flower Forest: 1, -3
Lavender Field: -26, 7
Plains Village: 11, 31

Volcanic Plains

A Volcanic Plains biome by a Wasteland and a Rainforest in Minecraft
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  • Seed: -2456078312171654535
  • Spawn: 8, 6
  • Biomes: Volcanic Plains, Wasteland

If you’re looking for something especially rare, then be sure to check out this Biomes O’ Plenty seed for some Volcanic Plains. This biome can’t grow anything except for the thin layer of grass covering it. The Wasteland biome next to it is just as desolate as you would expect, but you can travel to a Rainforest nearby to collect any resources you’re missing.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Volcanic Plains: 8, 6
Wasteland: 19, 10
Rainforest: -6, 14

Flowering island

A Minecraft island with a Jacaranda Glade and an Orchard
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  • Seed: 3140476004330813265
  • Spawn: 2, 33
  • Biomes: Orchard, Jacaranda Glade

Imagine having an entire survival island at Spawn with lavender and flowering oak trees all to yourself. Each one of these biomes isn’t just rare; they’re also very hard to find together on an island. Besides the wonderful variety of trees, you’ll also find rose bushes, sprouts, dandelions, poppies, and oxeye daisies in this biome.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Jacaranda Glade: 2, 33
Dune Beach: 26, 20
Orchard: -23, 59
Shipwreck: 114, 253

Bony Drylands by Coral Reef

A large Drylands biomes with tons of bones and a Desert Village next to a Coral Reef with a shipwreck in Minecraft
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  • Seed: -2909302586754297111
  • Spawn: 10, 0
  • Biomes: Coral Reef, Dryland

This Minecraft seed will spawn you in one of the most desolate Dryland biomes with a huge number of exposed bone relics. The actual spawn point is located between two ravines. Walk around them and head towards the ocean to find a nice Desert Village on its shore. Looking towards the ocean from here reveals an exposed shipwreck and a colorful Coral Reef.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Dryland: 10, 0
Desert Village: 92, -175
Shipwreck: 85, -278

Plains Village in a Mediterranean Forest

A Minecraft Plains Village inside of a Mediterranean Forest with a river
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  • Seed: 2402068509014736461
  • Spawn: -86, -12
  • Biomes: Mediterranean Forest, Scrubland

You’ll spawn in a rather flat and woodless Scrubland biome with not much in sight. However, by traveling to a wooded Mediterranean Forest biome nearby you’ll find a cozy Plains Village by a river. The forest itself is full of tall trees, bushy plants, and even patches of Podzol. There is also a Pillager Outpost nearby, although you’ll want to take some time to gear up before heading there.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Scrubland: -86, -12
Mediterranean Forest: -210, 141
Plains Village: -291, 322
Pillager Outpost: -746, 234

Farmer’s Dream

A Minecraft Plains Village by a Pasture and a Prairie
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  • Seed: 572793765711123687
  • Spawn: -51, -33
  • Biomes: Pasture, Prairie, Redwood Forest

Live your farming and ranching dreams in this Pasture and Prairie-focused seed. The Pasture biome is filled with naturally-generated barley and cows while the Plains Village nearby is perfect for recruiting farming villagers. Additionally, the Redwood Forest will help you gather plenty of wood for survival. Once you are ready, you can explore further into the seed to take on a Pillager Outpost and find another village.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Coniferous Forest: -51, -33
Pasture: -86, -26
Prairie: -292, 172
Plains Village: -373, 172
Redwood Forest: -505, 263

Aquatic Forests

A Minecraft Plains Village by a Floodplains biome next to a Rainforest and an Old Growth Woodlands biome
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  • Seed: 7079159843793148528
  • Spawn: -106, 32
  • Biomes: Floodplain, Old Growth Woodland, Mangrove Swamp, Rainforest

If you’re into semi-aquatic biomes, you’ll love this Biomes O’ Plenty seed that starts in a Mangrove Swamp. After exiting the swamp, you can travel northwest to find a Plains Village next to a patch of Old-Growth Woodland biome. This is a rare variant of the regular woodland biome that has much larger trees, which will also be more plentiful. The Floodplain biome is now also more difficult to find since it only spawns around Rainforests, but you’ll find two patches of each biome to the north and south of the village.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Floodplain: -421, -302
Rainforest: -488, -415
Old-Growth Woodland: -369, -337
Plains Village: -326, -270

Large Seasonal Forest

A large Seasonal Forest biome from Minecraft's Biomes O' Plenty mod
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  • Seed: 344325769615402073
  • Spawn: 1, 8
  • Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Seasonal Forest

The seasonal forest biome is one of the latest biomes in the Biomes O’ Plenty mod that’s been rehashed with a mixture of yellow, orange, and red maple trees. It’s filled with plenty of reeds and toadstools, so you’ll want to check it out if you’re planning on farming any of these plants. You’ll find it easy to live in this forest since it’s also home to lots of trees for wood and passive mobs for food and materials.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Coniferous Forest: 1, 8
Seasonal Forest: 97, 169

Rainforest Wetlands by Volcanic Plains

Rainforest and Overgrown Greens biomes next to a Volcanic Plains biome in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 2772008473938684988
  • Spawn: 15, -35
  • Biomes: Overgrown Greens, Rainforest, Redwood Forest, Volcanic Plains

There is something uniquely beautiful about the biomes from Biomes O’ Plenty that combine forests with water, like the Mangrove Swamp does in vanilla Minecraft. This Rainforest is covered with seagrass and watergrass with lilypads scattered across the surfaces of its waterways. You’ll enter the Rainforest from an Overgrown Greens biome, but you’ll be able to find a rare Volcanic Plains biome at its opposite end.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Redwood Forest: 15, -35
Overgrown Greens: -18, -46
Rainforest: -64, -28
Volcanic Plains: -247, -347

Ominous Woods at Spawn

An Ominous Woods biome at Spawn with a ruined Nether portal and a shipwreck in Minecraft
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  • Seed: 393568857341603237
  • Spawn: 47, 40
  • Biomes: Ominous Woods

One of the hardest biomes to find at Spawn is the Ominous Woods. It features tall, purple Umbran trees and withers roses, creating an eerie atmosphere. It’s a perfect start for Minecraft servers with spookier themes or scary modpacks.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Ominous Woods: 47, 40
Ruined Nether portal: 157, 68
Shipwreck: 200, 158

Pillager’s Wasteland

A Biomes O' Plenty Wasteland by a Lush Savanna with a Pillager Outpost and a ruined Nether portal in Minecraft
Screenshot by Gameskinny
  • Seed: -8372375390058051324
  • Spawn: -88, -388
  • Biomes: Wasteland, Lush Savanna

This seed lets you take a look at more inhospitable biomes, such as a Wasteland biome made up of dried salt. The only plants I managed to find here were dead grass and desert grass. Luckily, the one good thing about this biome is that no hostile mobs spawn here during the daytime. There’s also a Lush Savanna at spawn with some poppies and rose bushes, although you’ll have to be wary of its Pillager Outpost.

Key Locations and their Coordinates
Wasteland: -88, -388
Lush Savanna: -240, -478
Pillager Outpost: -376, -238
Ruined Nether portal: -450, -283

That’s it for our list of the top 30 best Biomes O’ Plenty Minecraft seeds. Stay tuned for more Minecraft tips and tricks articles here at GameSkinny.

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Image of Brandon Morgan
Brandon Morgan
Plasmid Addict. Zombie Survivalist. XCOM Operative. Vault Dweller. Writer. Editor.
Image of Serhii Patskan
Serhii Patskan
Contributing Writer
Serhii is the Writer at GameSkinny. He's been writing for GameSkinny since 2015. Before that, he's been writing for various outlets and playing video games, which eventually turned into a passion. The video games that have contributed the most to his enthusiasm for writing about this industry are Magic: The Gathering, Dark Souls, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.