Looking for a list of available characters in The Walking Dead: Road to Survival? Look no more.

The Walking Dead: Road to Survival – Recruitable Characters (Mobile)

Looking for a list of available characters in The Walking Dead: Road to Survival? Look no more.
This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

If any player of The Walking Dead: Road to Survival knows one thing, it’s that there are a lot of characters. The game features an ever-growing roster of characters from the comics — and more recently the Telltale game.

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We’ve already covered the basics of characters — and how to manage them — in The Walking Dead: Road to Survival character guide. It covers the basics; how to obtain characters, as well as training and leveling them. It also gives you the information you need on how to assemble useful teams with them.

This guide add to that by giving you a fairly comprehensive list of the most common type of characters in the game — recruitable. The guide will follow this will list the Epic, Elite, Trainer and Specialist characters available in the game. It should be noted that characters can belong to more than one of these lists, and most characters do actually belong to the “recruitable” list. However, characters in these other sections either require special steps to acquire, are generally more high powered, or have special abilities not seen in those listed here.

Other Walking Dead: The Road to Survival Guides:


Road To Survival trait rotation

For the sake of organization, we have broken up characters within these lists by their Traits. Traits determine a variety of things about characters, and function in a Paper-Rock-Scissors format to determine which characters will have certain advantages over others. More detailed info on what these do are available in the basic character guide

Recruitable Characters

Name Persona Rarity/Rating Tiers Adrenaline Rush Leader Skill
Billy Soldier ★★★ 3 Conk: Deal 200% Fast Trait damage and stun for 1 turn. All teammates get +8 crit. They also get +15% defense against ranged characters.
Brigitte Soldier ★★ 3 Hail Of Bullets: Deal 120% damage and cause 30 damage bleeding for 5 turns to a group of enemies. None.
Brock Soldier ★★ 3 Brutal Blast: Deal 250% damage and stun for 1 turn to one enemy. None.
Carson Rebel ★★★★ 4 Recoup And Recover: All teammates regain 30% of their Max HP and get +40% defense for 3 turns. All ranged teammates get +20% defense and a medium bonus to AP when attacking.
Carter Hunter ★★ 3 Hold Them Off: Deal 250% damage and -30% attack for 5 turns to one enemy. None.
Chris Rebel 2 Calm Shot: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Derek Hunter ★★★★★ 4 Derek’s Way: deal 350% damage and impair for 3 turns to one enemy. All tough teammates get +30% attack and +24 crit.
Diego Soldier ★★★ 3 Cover Fire: Deal 30% damage and -20% attack for 3 turns to a group of enemies. All teammates get +20% attack against ranged characters.
Gabe Soldier ★★★ 3 Crippling Shot: Deal 170% damage and cause 30 damage bleeding for 5 turns to one enemy. All teammates get +20% defense against ranged characters.
Grace Peacekeeper 2 Panicked Unload: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Lilly Leader ★★★ 3 Keep It Together: All teammates +30% attack and +30% defense for 2 turns. All ranged teammates get +20% defense.
Lilly “Starved for Help” Leader ★★★★★ 4 Tough Love: All teammates get +65% attack and +35 crit for 3 turns. All teammates get +30% attack against Alert characters. All teammates get a medium boost to AP when taking damage.
Mac Hunter ★★ 3 Headshot: Deals critical hit damage to one enemy. All teammates get +8 crit.
Martinez Rebel ★★★ 3 Bandage Support: One teammate regains 75% of their Max HP. All teammates get +20% defense against ranged characters.
Nathan Citizen 2 Calm Shot: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Neil Citizen ★★ 3 Keep Them Away: Deal 110% damage to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. None.
Nicholas Citizen ★★★ 3 Calm Shot: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. All teammates get +20% defense against ranged characters.
Parker Soldier 2 Panicked Unload: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Samuel Soldier ★★ 3 Bulletstream: Deal 220% damage and -30% attack for 3 turns to a line of enemies. All teammates get +10% attack.


Strong TraitStrong
Name Persona Rarity/Rating Tiers Adrenaline Rush Leader Skill
Benjamin Soldier ★★★ 3 Deep Bleed: Deal 125% damage and cause 50 damage bleeding for 3 turns to one enemy. All teammates get +20% defense agaisnt Melee characters.
Bob Peacekeeper ★★★ 3 Medic Relief: All teammates regain 20% of their Max HP and get +15% ATK for 2 turns. All teammates get +10% HP. They also get +15% attack against Melee characters.
Caleb Citizen 2 Mighty Swing: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Christa Hunter ★★ 3 Relentless Strikes: Deals 350% damage to one enemy. None.
Craig Rebel ★★★ 3 Beaten To A Pulp: Deal 200% damage to one enemy. If that enemy is a Soldier, also stun and impair that enemy for 1 turn. All teammates get a slight bonus to AP when attacking. They also get +15% attack when attacking melee characters.
Darius Rebel ★★★ 3 Heavy Chop: Deal 150% damage and cause 50 damage bleeding for 4 turns to one enemy. All Melee teammates get +20% attack.
Garrett Soldier ★★ 3 Kneecap: Deals 130% damage and -20% defense for 5 turns to one enemy. None.
Jed Hunter 2 Crushing Blow: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
John Citizen 2 Flurry Of Blows: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Lucia Citizen 2 Mighty Swing: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Michonne “Made to Suffer” Soldier ★★★ 3 Rend: Deal 250% damage and cause 80 damage bleeding for 4 turns to one enemy. All teammates get +15% attack against ranged characters. All teammates get a small bonus to AP when taking damage.
Mitchell Jr. Rebel ★★★ 3 Brutal Blast: Deal 250% damage and stun for 1 turn to one enemy. All teammates get +15% defense against melee characters.
Otis Rebel ★★★ 3 Practiced Swing: Deal 300 unmodified damage to one enemy. All teammates get +20% defense against Melee characters.
Ray Peacekeeper ★★ 3 Group Therapy: All teammates regain 30% of their Max HP None.
Shiva Rebel ★★★★★ 4 Maul: Deals 800% damage to one foe. None.
Susan Citizen 2 Crushing Blow: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None
Todd Citizen 2 Mighty Swing: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.


Fast TraitFast
Name Persona Rarity/Rating Tiers Adrenaline Rush Leader Skill
Abraham Soldier ★★★★ 4 Deal 250% damage to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. All Melee teammates get + 30% defense.
Allen Citizen ★★★ 3 Flurry Of Blows: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. All teammates get +20% attack against Ranged characters.
Angela “Made to Suffer” Peacekeeper ★★★★★ 4 Killing Blow: Deal 400% damage and impar for 2 turns to one enemy. All fast teammates get a large bonus to AP when attacking and taking damage.
Angela “The Best Defense” Leader ★★ 3 Patch Up: The two lowest-HP teammates regain 50% of their Max HP. None.
Annie Soldier ★★★★★ 4 Assistance Under Fire: All teammates get +35% defense and +30% attack for 5 turns. All fast teammates get +24 crit. You get a medium bonus to item drop rates.
Ashley Citizen ★★ 3 Go For The Head: Deals 130% damage and impair for 2 turns to one enemy. None.
Carol Citizen ★★ 3 Relentless Strikes: Deal 350% damage to one enemy. All teammates get +10% defense.
Carley Peacekeeper ★★★★★ 4 Reinforce: Fully heal one teammate. All teammates get +65% defense for 3 turns. All teammates get +45% defense against tough characters.
Clarence Rebel 2 Pinpoint Weakness: All teammates get +20% attack for 3 turns. None.
Cletus Rebel ★★ 3 The Harder They Fall: Deal 200% damage (400% if enemy is a Leader persona) and impair for 2 turns to one enemy. None.
Connor Hunter ★★★★★ 4 Cheap Shot: Deal 350% damage and -30% attack for 3 turns to one enemy. All Fast teammates get +30% attack and +24 crit.
Cyrus Hunter 2 Flurry Of Blows: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Darren Peacekeeper ★★ 3 Patch Up: The two lowest-HP teammates regain 50% of their Max HP. None.
Denise Peacekeeper ★★★★ 4 Field Patch Up: All teammates regain 50% of their Max HP and recover from bleeding. All melee teammates get +20% HP and +16 crit.
Doug Leader ★★★ 3 Keep It Together: All teammates get +30% attack and +30% defense for 2 turns. All teammates get +10% HP. They also get +15% defense against ranged characters.
Dr. Stevens Citizen ★★★ 3 Doctor’s Orders: All teammates regain 60% of their Max HP. All teammates get +10% HP. They also get +15% defense against ranged characters.
Ellen Rebel ★★★★★ 4 Power Of The Pack: Deal 550% damage to one enemy. All teammates regain 30% of their Max HP. All teammates get +30% defense against fast characters. You get a medium bonus to item drop chance.
Gabriel Peacekeeper ★★ 3 Peace Be With You: All teammates regain 40% of their Max HP and recover from atack penalties, defense penalties, and impair. All teammates get +10% HP.
Glenn “Miles Behind Us” Peacekeeper ★★★ 3 Keep It Together: All teammates get +30% attack and +30% defense for 2 turns. All teammates get +10% attack and +8 crit.
Harlan Peacekeeper ★★★ 3 Group Therapy: All teammates regain 30% of their Max HP. All Melee teammates get +10% HP and +5% defense.
Holly Soldier ★★★ 3 Scatter Them: Deal 280% damage and impair for 1 turn one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. All teammates get +12 crit.
Isabel Hunter ★★ 3 Whirlwind: Deal 110% damage to one enemy  and all enemies adjacent to it. All teammates get +10% attack.
Jeremiah Leader ★★★ 3 Squad Healing: All teammates regain 25% of their Max HP and get +10% def for 2 turns. None.
Jesus “A Larger World” Hunter ★★★★ 4 Devastating Blow: Deal 325% damage to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. All Melee teammates get +20% attack. You get a small bonus to item drop rates.
Jesus “Whispers Into Screams” Hunter ★★★★★ 4 Ferocious Strike: Deal 325% damage to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. All teammates get +15 crit for 2 turns. All fast teammates get +30% attack. You get a medium bonus to item drop rates.
Jody Hunter 2 Flury Of Blows: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Molly Soldier ★★★★ 4 Strengthen Up: All teammates regain 45% of their Max HP and get +30% attack for 3 turns. All Melee teammates get +24 crit.
Olivia Peacekeeper 2 Group Therapy: All teammates regain 30% of their Max HP. None.
Siddiq Peacekeeper ★★★★ 4 Snap Out Of It: All teammates regain 20% of their Max HP, and recover from attack penalties, defense penalties, stun, and impair. All Melee teammates get +16 crit and a medium bonus to AP when attacking.
Tobin Citizen ★★★ 3 Nasty Slice: Deal 150% damage and cruse 40 damage bleedin for 5 turns to one enemy. All Melee teammates get 15% HP and a small bonus to AP when taking damage.
Tyreese “Skybound Edition” Hunter ★★★ 3 Squad Healing: All teammates regain 25% of their Max HP and get +10% defense for 2 turns. All teammates get +10% HP and +10% attack.
Victor Hunter ★★★★★ 4 Thirst For Flesh: Deal 125% damage and -50% defense for 3 turns to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. All teammates get +30% atack against fast characters. All teammates get a medium bonus to AP when attacking.


Alert TraitAlert
Name Persona Rarity/Rating Tiers Adrenaline Rush Leader Skill
Amy Citizen ★★★★ 4 Headshot: Deals critical hit damage to one enemy. All ranged teammates get a medium bonus to AP when taking damage. You get a small bonus to item drop rates.
Carl Rebel ★★★★★ 4 Callous Shots: Deal 225% damage to up to 3 enemies. One teammate regains 50% of their Max HP. All alert teammates get +30% defense and +24 crit.
Clifton Citizen 2 Panicked Unload: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Danny Citizen 2 Calm Shot: Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Diane Soldier ★★ 3 Cover Fire: Deal 30% damage and -20% attack for 3 turns to a group of enemies. None.
Ethel Soldier 2 Panicked Unload: Deal 200% damage to one enemy. None.
Eugene “A New Beginning” Peacekeeper ★★★★ 4 Custom Munitions: All teammates get +30% atack and +15 crit for 3 turns. All teammates get +15% HP, they also get +20% attack against Melee characters.
Gavin Leader ★★★ 3 Pillar Of Leadership: All teammates get +80% defense for 2 turns. All Ranged teammates get +20% attack.
Georges Leader ★★ 3 Headshot: Deals critical hit damage to one enemy. None
Gerald Citizen 2 Panicked Unload:  Deals 200% damage to one enemy. None
Gloria Citizen ★★★ 3 Suppressive Volley: Deal 25% damage and -25% defense for 3 turns to a group of enemies. All teammates get +20% attack against Melee characters.
Heath “Life Among Them” Peacekeeper ★★★ 3 Runner Maneuvers: All teammates get +35% defense for 4 turns. All teammates get a +8 crit. You get a slight bonus to item drop rates.
Maggie “A New Beginning” Leader ★★★★ 4 Soothing Confidence: All teammates regain 70% of their Max HP.  All Ranged teammates get +20% HP and a medium bonus to AP when taking damage.
Margaret Citizen ★★ 3 The Harder They Fall: Deal 200% damage (400% if enemy is a leader persona) and impair for 2 turns to one enemy. None.
Mirabelle Peacekeeper ★★★ 3 Squad Healing: All teammates regain 25% of their Max HP and get +10% defense for 2 turns. All Melee teammates get +15% HP and + 15% defense.
Olivia Peacekeeper 2 Group Therapy: All teammates regain 30% of their Max HP. None.
Randall Rebel ★★ 3 Spray And Pray: Deal 110% damage to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. None.
Rick Leader 2 Turn The Tides: All teammates regain 50% of their Max HP, recover from attack penalties, and get +15% attack and +30 crit for 3 turns. None.
Rick “Made to Suffer” Leader ★★★ 3 Ambush Attack: Deal 150% damage to up to 3 enemies. All teammates get +15% attack and +15% defense for 3 turns. All teammates get +20% defense against melee characters.
Rick “A New Beginning” Leader ★★★ 3 Respected Resolve: All teammates get +40% defense for 2 turns and recover from attack penalties, defense penalties, and impair. All range teammates get +15% HP and +15% attack.
Rick “Miles Behind Us” Leader ★★★ 3 Sidekick Support: All teammates regain 50% of their Max HP and get +30% defense for 2 turns. All teammates get +8% attack and +5 crit.
Shane Rebel ★★★★★ 4 Break Their Lines: Deal 350% damage to one enemy. All teammates get +45% attack for 2 turns. All teammates get +30% attack against strong characters. You get a medium bonus to item drop chance.
Timothy Hunter ★★★ 3 Headshot: Deals critical hit damage to one enemy. All teammates get +20% attack against melee characters.

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Image of QuintLyn
Quintlyn is a freelance content creator currently working who also writes for MMOBomb. Formerly, she held the position of General Manager and Editor-in-Chief of Gamebreaker.tv. Quintlyn loves JRPGs, dungeon crawlers, and platformers, although she's an avid MMO fan as well. She can occasionally be found streaming here: https://mixer.com/Miscreation-Q