Wondering how crafting works in Expeditions: Rome? Here's how to forge new items and upgrade the ones you like.

Expeditions: Rome — Crafting and Upgrades Guide

Wondering how crafting works in Expeditions: Rome? Here's how to forge new items and upgrade the ones you like.

Picking up a ton of loot in Expeditions: Rome is fine. Still, you could do better by making your own armaments and upgrading them. That’s where crafting comes into play. 

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This Expeditions: Rome crafting guide will help you create and upgrade weapons, armors, and tactical items. It will also go over how to unlock the armory and how to get salvage, materials, and recipes.

How to Unlock the Armory and Crafting in Expeditions: Rome

You can see the various outpost buildings that you can construct once you have your own Legion. You’ll notice that the Armory in Expeditions: Rome can be built with 1x Iron Mine and 1x Tannery. You can refer to our other Conquest Battles and infrastructure guide and Outpost upgrades guide if you need additional help.

Once you control and Iron Mine and Tannery, you’ll have the tools necessary to make the Armory functional. Click on the upgrade option in the Outpost Management screen, and you should be able to start crafting in Expeditions: Rome.

How to Get Salvage, Crafting materials, and Recipes in Expeditions: Rome

Before you begin crafting in earnest, you’ll need the necessary crafting materials. For most tactical items like bandages, pila, caltrops, and the like, you’ll need raw materials, such as linen, spikes, oil jars, and other various items. However, for weapons and armor, you’ll need the following:

  • Specific components: Crafting a dagger, for instance, requires a dagger blade component. Meanwhile, crafting medium armor requires medium armor rings.
  • Salvage: You’ll also need different kinds of salvage — regular, good, and pristine types. The cost of the item depends on the quality of the item that you’re crafting.
  • Crafting blueprint or recipe: You must learn a blueprint or recipe before specific items can be made in the Armory.

Salvage, crafting materials, and blueprints can be found either as loot in area maps or in world map caches. You may also dismantle existing items to obtain a smattering of salvage and crafting materials. Dismantling a pristine spear gives you a spearhead, regular salvage, some good salvage, and some pristine salvage.

Assuming you already have all the required materials on hand, you can craft the item that you need. Pay attention to any possible rolls in terms of affixes and/or weapon skills, too.

Likewise, make sure you have a companion or generic recruit with the Crafty perk. This perk will allow them to work on the items in sequence. You can exit the camp and pass the time on the world map until the entire process is completed. You should then see the items inside a container next to the blacksmith.

How to Upgrade Items in Expeditions: Rome

When you upgrade items in Expeditions: Rome, you increase their quality, not their rarity (regular, pristine, unique).

Most of the time in the early game, you’ll only have Tier 1 items. This means the Armory itself won’t be enough to upgrade them to the next tier. You will also need the Forge (1x Farm and 2x Iron Mine) and, eventually, the Foundry (1x Farm, 1x Lumber Mill, and 2x Iron Mine) for Tier 2 and Tier 3 upgrades respectively.

  • Armors: Upgrading armors will increase the stat values of their affixes.
  • Weapons: Upgrading weapons will increase their damage and affix stats. Additionally, they might gain a bonus affix and a bonus weapon skill that can be equipped. 

How to Modify Items in Expeditions: Rome

The last tab in the crafting screen in Expeditions: Rome allows you to modify items. This process is different from upgrading. Modifying an item simply allows you to select an affix and change it into something else depending on the stats that you prefer.

What About Unique Items?

Unique items are either found or crafted in Expeditions: Rome. Even better, they can also be upgraded and modified. You can learn more in our unique companion armors guide and unique items guide for Act 1 and Act 2.

And that’s what you need to know about crafting, upgrades, and modifications in Expeditions: Rome. For more tips, consider heading over to our guides hub for articles on companions, recruitment, and more.

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Image of Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez is a game reviewer and guides writer from the Philippines. With around 5,000 published articles, he's freelanced for numerous outlets, including GameSkinny, GameSpot, Polygon, IGN, PCGamesN, PC Invasion, and more.