The Village and Pillage update for Minecraft is currently being polished by Mojang, bringing lots of bug fixes and other smaller additions to seeds far and wide. (Note: Village and Pillage is now out on all versions, including Java and PS4.)
For example, raiders have become slightly more dangerous, as it is now harder to find them with a bell. Also, flaming arrows have been slightly nerfed and can't set fire to waterlogged campfires anymore.
But these are just minor changes to an overall great new update with a lot of new villages in many different biomes.
In this month's selection of the top Minecraft seeds, you'll be dealing with some unusual settlements and well-hidden pillager posts. So check all the seeds for June 2019, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
Be sure to head over to our Seeds master list for every seed we've ever written about, many of which still work!

Seed: -745135239896280
Coordinates: -252, 252
Biomes: Desert, Jungle
In this seed, you will spawn near a jungle biome that is surrounded by desert containing a lot of villages and desert temples. Here are the coordinates of all of the villages:
- 200, 300
- 600, 400
- 500, 500
- -400, 850
- -350, 1300
And here are the coordinates of all of the desert temples in this Minecraft 1.14 seed:
- -300, 350
- -400, 800
- -1400, 1100
- -300, 1900
- -200, 2100

Seed: -770643688499958870
Coordinates: -134, -56
Biomes: Desert, Plains
Right after you spawn, go to coordinates 300, -500. There you will see a tiny desert village and a pillager post standing next to each other.
Then, go to coordinates 650, 100 for a village with a blacksmith. Take a look inside his chest and get a entire iron gear set for your character.

Seed: -972862960496823
Coordinates: 40, 56
Biomes: Plains, Ocean
This seed has a village on a survival island at spawn! This rare Minecraft seed is a gateway to some of the best gameplay scenarios for any survival mode enthusiast.
One of the houses in the village has a treasure chest with an emerald inside. But there is also a cave on an island that grants access to iron and gold ores.

Seed: 272756201412577
Coordinates: -94, 40
Biomes: Mesa, Taiga
In this seed, you will spawn in the middle of a huge mesa biome with several exposed mineshafts at spawn.
Then, head toward the coordinates -500, 300, where you will find a taiga village occupying three biomes: taiga, mesa, and desert.
One of the houses in the village has a treasure chest with emeralds, so check it out as soon as you get there.

Seed: -444694536058404252
Coordinates: 39, 7
Biomes: Ocean
You will spawn on an ocean shore with three buried treasure chests at the following coordinates:
- 217, -343
- 489, -263
- 633, -215
If you open them all up, here's the loot you will find inside:
- 6x diamond
- 6x emerald
- 10x gold ingot
- 26x iron ingot
Near the first spot, you will also find a village with blacksmith. The blacksmith holds an extra couple of diamonds in his chest.

Seed: 573327591091311866
Coordinates: -162, -220
Biomes: Roofed Forest, Plains
In this seed, you will spawn on an ocean shore near a huge swampland. Follow the swamp's border to the southeast, and you will soon encounter a woodland mansion at coordinates 700, 600.
There are no secret rooms or chests in the mansion, but you will find a village nearby with a blacksmith at coordinates 1300, 900.

Seed: -362420633217031
Coordinates: -56, -104
Biomes: Mesa, Ocean
Here you will spawn on a small survival island surrounded by icebergs. Just a tad further, east of the island, you will find the edge of the mesa mainland.
On the ocean shore, you will see three exposed mineshaft entrances at the following coordinates:
- 120, 70
- 150, 40
- 220, -120
The last one has a treasure chest exposed on the cart. There is a golden apple inside.

Seed: -809402021903168
Coordinates: 200, 224
Biomes: Desert
This seed has two desert villages and temples at spawn! Just go south, and you will see your first desert temple and village at coordinates 70, 250 and 70, 500, respectively.
Then, go a bit to the west, where you will see another pair at coordinates -200, 750 and 200, 850. The second temple hides some significant loot:
- 2x golden apple
- 3x emerald
- 1x golden horse armor
- 1x iron horse armor
- Enchanted Book — Riptide I
- Enchanted Book — Loyalty II

Seed: -22350473189742
Coordinates: 30, -112
Biomes: Ice Plains, Desert
You will spawn near a huge glacier that will lead you to an igloo and a pillager post at coordinates 270, -500.
Then, go west to coordinates -400, -400 for a nice little village and a shipwreck nearby.
Lastly, head north to coordinates -750, -850 for a desert temple that contains the following loot:
- 1x golden apple
- 1x golden horse armor
- 1x iron horse armor
- 7x gold ingot

Seed: 983474241196040
Coordinates: 76, 248
Biomes: Plains, Ocean
You will spawn on an ocean shore not too far from a rather large village at coordinates -300, 500.
There are 15 buildings in this village, although no blacksmith. There is a cave system underneath the village, which is perfect for ore mining.
The surrounding ocean offers a couple of ruins and coral riffs in close vicinity.

Seed: 431300804099518
Coordinates: 30, 76
Biomes: Jungle
You will spawn near a huge jungle biome that has three jungle pyramids. Here are their coordinates:
- -900, -400
- -1700, -900
- -400, -1300
By collecting the loot from all the treasure chests inside these temples, you will end up with the following items:
- 3x diamond
- 3x emerald
- 10x gold ingot
- 12x iron ingot

Seed: -962740154375472348
Coordinates: 50, 250
Biomes: Plains, Forest, Savanna
Near the spawn point, you will immediately see a pillager post at coordinates -400, 200. This post is surrounded by four villages, all at the following coordinates:
- 300, 100
- -450, 700
- -850, 700
- -400, -300
The savanna village has a blacksmith with a decent amount of obsidian in his chest.

Seed: -603427284812084639
Coordinates: 172, 252
Biomes: Roofed Forest, Savanna
If you're looking for a woodland mansion, then you will find one at coordinates -750, 600. On the ground floor, you will find a secret chest at coordinates -730, 600 with a golden apple inside.
On your way to the mansion, you will also encounter two villages at coordinates 300, 300 and -300, 300. The latter is completely covered in cobweb.

Seed: 920428990350232
Coordinates: -100, 250
Biomes: Ocean, Desert
Near the island on which you spawn, there is an ocean monument. If you travel to the southeast, you'll find a village connecting two smaller desert islands at coordinates 250, 600.
To the southwest of the village, you will find another island. This is a much bigger island with a desert temple at coordinates -250, 1100. Here's what it contains:
- 2x golden apple
- 2x emerald
- 1x iron horse armor
- 5x iron ingot

Seed: 796116108558342828
Coordinates: -200, 250
Biomes: Plains, Desert
This seed has a villager post and desert temple at spawn! The exact coordinates of the two structures are -300, 250 and -700, 350 respectively.
The four chests inside the temple are packed with goodies, such as:
- 1x golden apple
- 1x golden horse armor
- 5x gold ingot
- Enchanted Book — Loyalty I
- Enchanted Book — Smite I
- Enchanted Book — Mending
- Enchanted Book — Smite III

Seed: -899337167229767578
Coordinates: 100, -250
Biomes: Roofed Forest, Savanna
Here is another Minecraft seed with a woodland mansion at coordinates 600, -550. In the central hallway, you will see a chest that holds some redstone dust.
The forest with the mansion is surrounded by a savanna biome with four villages. Here all of their coordinates:
- 100, 150
- -200, -500
- 150, -750
- 650, -700

Seed: 812447168430608
Coordinates: 0, 250
Biomes: Jungle
Here, you will spawn near a rather small patch of jungle that hides two jungle temples under its palms. You can find them at coordinates:
- -250, 400
- -200, 1300
The chests inside the temples mostly contain gold, but there are some other cool items as well:
- 1x emerald
- 1x diamond horse armor
- 27x gold ingot

Seed: 662518987541301
Coordinates: 250, 250
Biomes: Taiga
In this seed, you will spawn in a taiga biome that has a village on the northern ocean shore at coordinates -700, 100.
If you follow along the shore to the west, you'll find the spot on the shore at coordinates -839, -231. It's a buried treasure holding:
- 1x diamond
- 8x emerald
- 3x gold ingot
- 11x iron ingot

Seed: 754978287533259
Coordinates: -200, 100
Biomes: Plains
This seed has an unusual village at spawn! The buildings in this settlement are scattered all around, which is a bit strange. But it can also serve as a prototype for something you want to build in the future.
Under the village, you'll be able to locate a zombie dungeon at coordinates -135, 11, 75. The two chests inside contain the following loot:
- 1x golden apple
- 1x golden horse armor
- Enchanted Book — Projectile Protection IV
- Enchanted Book — Power III
- Enchanted Book — Quick Charge III

Seed: 797359404395781754
Coordinates: -50, 250
Biomes: Frozen Ocean
This seed has a double ocean monument at spawn! The ocean biome is completely frozen, so both structures are covered by the heavy icebergs at coordinates -350, 200 and -450, -250.
There is also a shipwreck in between them with some enchanted gear inside its chests.
For more Minecraft 1.14 seeds for Bedrock, Java, and PS4 check out the list below, as well as our list of best Minecraft seeds for lazy people.
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14.4 Seeds for September 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14.4 Seeds for August 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14.3 Seeds for July 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for May 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for April 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for March 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for February 2019
- The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for January 2019
- 15 Fantastic Jungle Seeds You Can't Miss
Published: Jun 21, 2024 08:52 am