[Take me back to GameSkinny's Ultimate Minecraft Seed Guide]
We're getting pretty close to Christmas. That means, for some of us, it's time to lock in our plans for avoiding awkward family small talk through portable gaming. The way it was meant to be.
Minecraft: Pocket Edition is perfect for this. Why not dive in and get stuck into an ambitious building project? We've got a bunch of great seeds designed to let you do just that, even in survival mode.

Spawn near three villages
Seed: 1388582293
Head pretty much straight ahead from your spawn point and you'll find yourself among a conglomerate of villages. There's a cave under the well, so you can dig down for resources, and there are blacksmiths aplenty. An excellent seed for castle or mansion-building projects.

Spawn on a hillside
Seed: -5260429
A hop, skip, and a jump will bring you in sight of a village with a prominent blacksmith.
"What's so special about that?" you may ask, and rightfully so.
Bear right when heading into town and you'll come across a small surface cave. A few steps down is a mob spawner, allowing you to easily harvest useful mob items.

Spawn near a village
Seed: 805967637
Wells: more than just a convenient place to house creepy girls with long hair from a 2002 movie.
Head forward from your spawn point and you'll quickly find yourself in a village. Everything looks wholesome on the surface... but dig down under the well and you'll find a stronghold to delve into right out of the box.

Spawn on the coast
Seed: Fantasy
Jump inland and you'll find yourself stepping into lush, green scenery, reminiscent of good old-fashioned fantasy books. With bountiful resources and its fair share of wolves, this Minecraft PE seed is crying out for stunning building projects to match its stunning landscapes.

Spawn near underground resources
Seed: 3015911
You should never dig straight down, of course, but there are plenty of resources right under your spawn point. Iron, redstone and diamond can be mined easily, making this seed excellent for getting a quick start on your building projects.

Spawn on plains with nearby river
Seed: time
Sometimes what you need the most for an ambitious building project is space. This seed provides it right from your spawning point, giving you riverside plains and saving you the hassle of terraforming.

Spawn in a valley
Seed: higgy wiggy piggy
Clamber out of this thickly forested valley and you'll find yourself at the foot of one massive mountain, with another lying just across a river. If you've ever muttered "I'll show them, I'll show them all!" to yourself, perhaps while rubbing your hands together and generally looking fiendish, then this mountainside seed is for you.

Spawn between two biomes
Seed: twins
The twins in this seed's name most likely aren't identical -- just a hunch I have.
With a village in your immediate vicinity, you'll have all the tools you need to quickly get started on living out your very own Swiss Family Robinson adventure.

Spawn by a river near loads of iron
Seed: spinny
There's iron aplenty in this seed, making it the perfect pick for any aspiring railway tycoons. Nearby plains give you plenty of breathing space for your building projects.

Spawn near the coast
Seed: school sucks
Interesting rock formations dot the resource-rich landscape here. If you're feeling festive, there's also a snow biome not too far from spawn, complete with stunning mountainside waterfalls. If you like incorporating the terrain into your buildings, this seed will suit you well.

Spawn on the roof of a village house
Seed: mimi
There's plenty of space to build and grow into on this biome, and this is helped in no small part by the abundance of things lurking at the bottom of the village well. Both an abandoned mineshaft and stronghold lie below it, meaning that you'll never run short of resources or things to do.

Spawn on a pier
Seed: 1413755523
Ever wanted to build your very own Waterworld? This seed is sparse in trees but features several dangling piers which can be used to craft essentials. Nearby islands give you the opportunity to mine safely and turn this floating village into something awesome.

Spawn in a forest
Seed: snowsnowsnow
Head for the hills and you'll find these stunning ice spikes. They're perfect for caving to the holiday season and building a winter wonderland... or constructing your very own fortress of solitude.

Spawn near a village with an awesome well
Seed: jj watt
It's always the well... in this case, you'll be able to get your game off to a very strong start by finding an abandoned mineshaft. Explore this mineshaft and you'll soon find yourself within the walls of a dungeon.
This seed's grassy plains give you plenty of room for building, which, given all the resources you can unearth, you might just end up needing!

Spawn in a perfect island village
Seed: 1421809520
There's a bit of a The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker vibe to this cool little island. You'll have a blacksmith's chest of loot to help you get started, and there's a nearby island, so you can obtain wood sustainably and without marring the starting village. Flat space on the hill makes a perfect spot for a manor.

Spawn near a mountain village near multiple biomes
Seed: super pig
Head straight ahead from your spawn point and you'll come to this interesting village. Multiple biomes intersect around the village, giving you loads of different materials and styles to fuel your ideas for building.

Spawn near mushroom islands
Seed: 1404986100
If your next building project requires mushrooms in bulk, this seed is more than up to the task. It features surreal mushroom canyons -- and the abundant mushrooms will ensure that you're never lonely.

Spawn on flower-dotted plains near two desert temples
Seed: empire
Turn your back on those plains and head straight into the desert to come across two desert temples for the price of one! There is also a third temple no too far away. On your way, you might just catch sight of a hillside waterfall -- an excellent place to build on and store all the loot from those temples.

Spawn right in front of a desert temple
If you prefer to stick near your spawn point and build, this seed's got your back. The screenshot here is the view from spawn: a desert temple. Right there. Get the gold and get started on your building in style.

Spawn against the side of a desert village building
Spawning in a village isn't uncommon. One or two blacksmith chests is a nice way to jump-start your experience.
Spawning in a village that is a short walk from two double villages, with plenty of space to build and grow? Now that's a bit special.

With a huge variety of landscapes and resources on offer, these Minecraft: Pocket Edition seeds are sure to get you thinking about that next big project you want to build.
Feel free to show off your creations and share your favorite building seeds in the comments! It's always great to see a Minecraft building project followed through, especially one that incorporates its surroundings awesomely.
Published: Dec 16, 2015 9:29 AM UTC