The release for ID Software’s DOOM is drawing near and the anticipation is endless. Gamers are gearing up to go to Hell and slay some demons while blowing things to bits with a so-called super shotgun. The blood will really start to flow when the demons enter the game, and the new game has really gone out of its way to make the monsters of DOOM look the part.
The evolution of the DOOM monsters are well documented, and they have come a long way from the jagged images of the first game. Let’s take a look at how far the daunting DOOM demons have come since the beginning of the series.

DOOM (1993)
The classic DOOM game caused quite a stir with its sheer horror and blood driven content. The 1993 classic FPS will always be looked upon as the first true game of its genre and the one that helped usher in a slew of FPS classics such as Goldeneye and the Halo franchise. But, enough about the game and its accomplishments, what about those monsters?
Not the scariest of demons but hey, it was 1993, what can you do? Most of the monsters look like floating boogers and, while not the intention of the developers, probably made most people laugh. The laughing would end quickly once one of those boogers shot a fireball at you. Looking at the new games' monsters compared to these ones is like looking at a computer in the 80’s compared to now. It’s easy to see that video games have come a long way in a little over two decades.

Cyber demon then and now
One of the demons that will be getting remade for the new game is the Cyber demon. This big monster doesn’t look as intimidating in the original, but in the new game he looks terrifying. 2D images just don’t have the same effect as a 20-foot tall monster looking to crush your skull. Be on the lookout (and run when you see it) for the Cyber demon in the DOOM reboot.

DOOM II: Hell on Earth (1995)
The second installment in the DOOM series did not stray too far from the original in terms of monster design. They all look relatively the same, which is something that cannot be said about DOOM 3. While the monsters look the same, there were a few new demons added and one of the notable ones was The Revenant demon. The poster demon for the new DOOM, the Revenant demons are known for their jetpacks and high pitched screeching. Also notably added to DOOM II was a new weapon: the super shotgun. The rest is history.

Revenant Demon then and now
The aforementioned Revenant demon seems to be the main focus of the new DOOM as it was the only available demon in both the open and closed betas. It also received a lot of coverage in DOOM trailers, so it is safe to say the Revenant has a large impact on the new game. The jetpack design and the screeching had the makings of a truly horrifying monster early on, but the new and improved Revenant demon will be haunting your nightmares for years to come. A demon that shoots rockets, now that is frightening.

DOOM 3 (2004)
Scariest. Game. Ever. The DOOM series paved the way for many groundbreaking titles, but it was about time they had a truly memorable game of their own. DOOM 3 comes along, and all of a sudden, it’s no longer safe to play video games at night anymore.
Let's forget the fact that this game scared millions of gamers everywhere and focus on how truly terrifying each monster was. Spiders were scary originally but DOOM 3 took it a tad too far. How about that cover? Are you kidding me? You knew what you were getting yourself into when you picked up a game with that cover.
The Monsters took a giant leap forward from cheesy to crap your pants upon sight. Being the most up-to-date installment, clearly this game showed the potential of future DOOM games, and it was only a matter of time before we got a new and improved offering from the franchise.

DOOM (2016)
Thank you for letting me relive that hall of horrors. The newest installment in the franchise, simply titled DOOM, will look to pick up where the third game left off. Judging from the gameplay, it should be as fast and as bloody as ever.
However, will the monsters look scarier than ever? The answer to that is an emphatic YES! The Revenant demon looks like he is ready to torment plenty of gamers, the Cyber demon can crush you with one poor step and even the floating boogers look more terrifying than ever. Don’t take my word for it, have a look for yourself.

What are you looking for in the newest DOOM game? Are you satisfied with the art design of the monsters that you will soon be blowing to bits? Did you play the beta and, if so, what are your thoughts? DOOM will torment your nightmares starting May 13th, 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Published: Apr 20, 2016 1:16 PM UTC