Ciaran Paine II, not to be confused with his father Captain Ciaran Paine, has roots in pirating that go back generations but this pirate turned his seafaring ways in to walk in the shadow realms among the landlubbers. Now the black sheep of the family, he must find his own way in Tyria. This dashing rogue may have traded his sea legs for the shadows but he maintains his roots in his looks and with his thick, sexy Lion’s Arch accent. Ciaran Paine II is a smashing mix of shadow-walker and sea wolf.
He is usually seen with a Jade Kris on each hip, given to him by his Canthan grandmother, or his trusty and shapely bow carved into the visage of a sailor’s doom: a siren.
But hands off ladies; there is only one lamb for this wolf. The Sea Wolf already has a very lovely wife who possesses his heart fully. He thanks her for his great fashion sense.
Achieve this look:
- Dyes: Midnight Ice, Spite, Iron, & Frosting
- Conquest Helm
- Whisper’s Shoulderpad
- Medium Whispering Coat
- Assassin’s Gloves
- Nika’s Leggings
- Assassin’s Boots
- Pirate Needler
- Dragon’s Jade Kris x2
- Rox’s Quiver
Published: Aug 3, 2013 7:16 AM UTC