Guilds in Injustice 2 are more than just a way to group up friends and like-minded players. They offer more challenges and extra rewards just for belonging to one. You can’t access guilds immediately, and they can be a little confusing, so I’m going to go over everything you need to know to get started.
Injustice 2 Guild Basics
How to Join a Guild
The first thing you need to do is get your profile to level 5. You can easily do this by playing some of the story, or just doing single player multiverse matches. After that, you can go to the main menu and select Guilds.
Now you have options. You can either create a guild or join an existing guild. There will be suggested guilds for you to join, but if there is a specific one you want, you have to put in the Guild ID. The Guild ID is listed in the top-left corner on the guild screen of someone who is already a member of that guild.
Guild Customization
Leaders or Officers of a guild can edit various things. You can decide on a guild banner, message of the day, guild motto, recruitment status, and level requirement to join.
The recruitment status affects how your guild shows up to everyone:
- Free to Join: Anyone can join your guild as long as there is room.
- Open: People can apply to your guild, and you must accept them before they can join.
- Private: Nobody can join the guild.
Leaders and Officers can also promote or kick other members in the guild. Everyone can chat and link/view gear, but I don’t think there is a way to trade that gear.
Guild Challenges and Multiverse
There are daily and weekly challenges that you can complete as a guild, which will earn you Guild Mother Boxes, GP, and Guild Credits. The entire guild contributes to these challenges, so it is a good idea to have a bunch of members.
- GP affects your guild rank on the leaderboards. Every member contributes to the guild when they play and there is a daily cap per member.
- Guild Credits are just like the normal credits, but you earn them by completing guild activities. You can also use them to purchase guild mother boxes.
- Trophies are achievements that you complete as a guild. These will also earn you guild mother boxes.
Guild Multiverse
Guilds have their own multiverse they can complete, and it takes a team effort. If you can fully complete a multiverse and “close” it, you will increase your guild’s tier. Currently there are 3 tiers, as listed in the Trophy section.
While in the guild multiverse, you can view the objectives and perks. Perks are activated when there are 10, 25, and 40 active members. I believe this means members who are active in the guild multiverse, because I have seen it say 0 members when we have had several people online.
Extra Guild Features
There is also an active buffs section in the main menu, but I have not seen any way to activate that yet. When I find out — or if anyone else can let me know — I’ll add that to this guide.
Online Battles
You can earn trophies for playing online as well. There are 2 separate trophies for either fighting members from another guild, or fighting your own guild members in online/player matches.
People that do a lot of online play can easily contribute to these trophies.
That’s all I have for guilds in Injustice 2. Again, if you know anything that I missed or have further clarification, let me know! Also, don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the comments section below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
If you need more help with the game, check out our other Injustice 2 guides:
- Injustice 2 Beginner Tips and Tricks
- Injustice 2 Gear and Customization Guide
- Injustice 2 Multiverse Guide
- Injustice 2 Scarecrow Guide
- Injustice 2 Guide: How to Level Up and Get Gear Quickly
- Injustice 2 Roster List with Stats
Published: May 18, 2017 1:54 PM UTC