Donald Strohman
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FalseDonald Strohman - Page 2
Need some time to kill between now and waiting for "Yooka-Laylee?" Be sure to play these five gems that define the modern day outing in 3D collectathon platforming games!
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
Jun 17, 2016
Make sure you keep an eye out for these gems, as they may help set a new standard for Kickstarter video game campaigns.
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
Jun 16, 2016
In for a fright? Let's look at some of the best jump-scares this "Five Nights at Freddy's" tribute has to offer (and the YouTube gamers wetting themselves over it.)
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
Jun 15, 2016
"Mighty No. 9" is almost here, but will it turn out to be the fun game promised from the beginning, or a massive disappointment written in stone?
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
Jun 12, 2016
It won't win over any new converts, but "Atelier Sophie" certainly has more than enough to satisfy fans of this long running JRPG series.
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
Jun 5, 2016
Games like "MAG" and "Socom Confrontation" are no longer playable. So how spine chilling will it be when "Overwatch" suffers the same fate?
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
Jun 2, 2016
With it being National Geek Pride Day, let's look at some important historical geek moments on the day of May 25th!
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
May 24, 2016
So, you thought the Infinite Warfare trailer was bad? You clearly haven't played any of these other Call of Duty titles.
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
May 21, 2016
Despite having a slingshot at its disposal, "The Angry Birds Movie" can never manage to get itself off the ground
Donald Strohman
Donald Strohman
May 20, 2016