Angelina Bonilla
Articles Published
About The Author
Angelina Bonilla, also known as Red Angel, is a writer with a Bachelor's degree in Humanities, as well as a passion for various other topics such as life sciences and psychology. Video games have been a big part of her life since childhood and she writes about them with the same passion that she writes about books.Angelina Bonilla - Page 8
Neopets isn't the only Virtual Pet site out there on the internet.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 27, 2014
Ubisoft fans can enter a contest to play Far Cry 4 …on top of Mount Everest.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 26, 2014
A new teaser from Bioware has everyone wondering if they will be chosen next.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 25, 2014
"Amid the Ruins" is a quieter more thoughtful entry in The Walking Dead Season 2 putting it at a stark contrast to other entries in the episode. When they deaths and action come however, it is more impactful despite the player's lack of overall impact on some inevitable fates.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 23, 2014
Your family was one of the lucky ones, making it into one of the underground cities before the devastation happened. In this vault is the last of humanities grand civilization and to you, that’s all you've known. Humanity isn't meant to live underground however and today is the day you return to the surface.
How will you survive After Reset?
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 22, 2014
Have you ever gotten sick of the bile spewing, puss-filled mud hut lurking troglodytes that the League Of Legends community has? Well you’re in luck because now, after all these years Riot is finally dealing out swift justice to those who poison the game experience for everyone else.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 21, 2014
Gamers love sales, especially when the games are as good as these.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 21, 2014
Trends, tropes and traits are a fun part of our medium that makes games we love even better. Every once and a while though, it’s okay for us to poke fun at these things or even vent if they annoy us, Which is why it's fun to make a list about all of them.
Angelina Bonilla
Angelina Bonilla
Jul 19, 2014