Brandon Janeway
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FalseBrandon Janeway - Page 2
A video game of your favorite anime sounds like a good idea but do they make good games. We broke down the good, the bad, and the ugly of anime video games.
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Nov 5, 2017
We came up with some games (past and present) that any Studio Ghibli fan should check out.
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Nov 2, 2017
What seemed to be a revolution in gaming has fizzled out, leaving us wondering -- what is the state of Virtual Reality?
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Oct 30, 2017
Though the digital edition has been out for a bit, a hard copy of Minecraft is now available for the Nintendo 3DS.
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Oct 28, 2017
A step by step guide on how to properly upload your image in the 2K18 game so that you can make your personal wrestler.
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Oct 28, 2017
The new ESO update is here, and it offers brand new content for old and new members alike.
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Oct 25, 2017
Assassin's Creed has their formula but is it enough? Do they need to bring back a successful category they took away a while ago?
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Oct 21, 2017
Are you in the market for a multiplayer horror game? Well we've broken down key aspects of the two front runners on the market to make the decision easier.
Brandon Janeway
Brandon Janeway
Oct 21, 2017