Captynplanet is Captain Planet's less heroic cousin. Instead of spending time with a bunch of teenager eco-wizards, Captynplanet likes to read, hang out with his roomate's cats, and of course, play video games. Captynplanet is just getting out of a long term gamelationship with League of Legends and is having a hard time adjusting to life without the Rift. Captynplanet lives in Richmond, Virginia and is almsot done with his undergrad at Virginia Commonwealth University. Captynplanet is pretty weirded out by referring to himself in the 3rd person.
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Blizzard drew upon a bunch of different sources to get the characters in Overwatch just right. Here are some examples of what Blizzard may have been looking at when thinking up Overwatch's heroes.
May 27, 2016
Saurian's developers are currently asking for backing on Kickstarter, and their project only has 28 days left for donations.
May 25, 2016