Dustin Frisch
Articles Published
About The Author
Dustin has a passion for games journalism despite not wanting to go for a degree due to the expensive amount to attend college. He has written for gaming blogs and websites despite all this where he's learned his own craft. You can contact him at dustylee15[@]gmail[dot]comDustin Frisch - Page 4
The Witcher 3 fans are displeased with the way modding is being handled.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
Aug 16, 2015
EA CEO Peter Moore doesn't seem to think that the feud between Kojima and Konami will last forever.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
Aug 15, 2015
A Nintendo employee was let go due to comments he had made on a podcast episode.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
Aug 13, 2015
The girls get their own special costume DLC with the first print edition, but the guys will not as of yet.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
May 15, 2015
A Digimon World 1 remake which was released on the PS1 back in 90's is getting a remake.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
May 13, 2015
Nintendo World Championships is brought back, following a Nintendo digital event, then Nintendo Treehouse
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
May 13, 2015
A new Banjo Kazooie would be good competition against Yooka-Laylee
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
May 12, 2015
A game that plays like Papers, Please, but from Heaven.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
May 10, 2015
Season Pass includes access to three upcoming DLC packs.
Dustin Frisch
Dustin Frisch
Jan 22, 2015