Emily Speight
Articles Published
About The Author
I'm a writer and I have too many opinions about Fire Emblem.Emily Speight - Page 2
Want to improve the comfort and utility of your gaming desk? On a tight budget? We've got the skinny on how to get it done.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Dec 7, 2015
We've got the skinny on some of 2015's GOTY contenders!
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Dec 1, 2015
Overkill are rightfully in a lot of hot water. Taking some cues from a fellow developer might help them move forward.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Nov 26, 2015
Why are CS:GO and Dota 2 so outrageously popular? We've got the skinny on some of the factors behind their success.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Nov 16, 2015
Want to know if League of Explorers is worth getting? Take a look at some of the best cards it has to offer!
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Nov 11, 2015
Undertale wears its progressive heart on its sleeve, and shows that gamers and more than ready for more works like it.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Nov 5, 2015
Here's the skinny on the games that the NX needs in order to thrive.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Nov 2, 2015
Women in gaming have made huge strides over the past few years -- but endured equally huge setbacks.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Oct 30, 2015
Undertale is a sum of small experiences. With no achievements to strive for ... I was left to explore at my own pace.
Emily Speight
Emily Speight
Oct 29, 2015