Nick Harshman
Articles Published
About The Author
Hi! My name is Nick, and I am yet another kid trying to break into the world of gaming journalism. I am currently attending grad school and pursuing my Master's in Journalism. Want to know my favorite game? It's Mass Effect, but not the third one; we don't talk about that one. I am also an avid fan of any and all board games, and you should totally try Risk Legacy; it's like regular Risk but better.Nick Harshman - Page 5
Do you enjoy shooting demons in the face? Yes? Then look forward to Doom's release on June 30th (maybe).
Nick Harshman
Nick Harshman
Jan 6, 2016
Sky Fortress is the first of three planned expansion packs for Just Cause 3 and is due for release soon.
Nick Harshman
Nick Harshman
Jan 6, 2016