Pierre Fouquet
Articles Published
About The Author
-- Games are a passion as well as a hobby. Other writing of mine found on at www.scrncheat.comPierre Fouquet - Page 15
There are a few thing which distinguish the PC platform from any other platform out there. Mods are one, but what makes them so special? And what makes them the life blood of PC gaming?
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Feb 4, 2015
Have you ever been playing a game and have been bored during the game? Well this is actually a good thing, and here's why.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 30, 2015
Ken Levine's new game, from his new studio, will most likely be a first person, sci-fi, narrative game, with strong emergent gameplay.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 29, 2015
Not Everything is Flammable is a game about not everything being flammable, but just most things.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 28, 2015
Frontier Developments, the developers behind Elite: Dangerous, are making 15 employees redundant.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 27, 2015
With Windows 10 recently been shown off in full. What do us gamers get?
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 23, 2015
I SquishView Insurgency. What did I think about it?
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 23, 2015
An unscored review of Assassin's Creed Unity's Singleplayer. What did I think about it?
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 22, 2015
Have you ever been playing a game, and either in a cut scene or during gameplay thought to yourself, "why on earth is this in the game?!" Let's pick 5 of these, and talk about why they should be left out.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Jan 20, 2015