Pierre Fouquet
Articles Published
About The Author
-- Games are a passion as well as a hobby. Other writing of mine found on at www.scrncheat.comPierre Fouquet - Page 20
TotalBiscuit has taken to TwitLonger to publicly denounce, and call out a user called Pressfarttocontinue. But what are the motivations behind people like that?
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Oct 29, 2014
343 is releasing a documentary about the creation process of the Halo 2 remake.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Oct 28, 2014
Submerged is an exploration game about gathering supplies and finding salvation from a sinking city. Watch the first trailer here.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Oct 27, 2014
Music in games can bring you back to other times, or it can change how you think about the music. Find out how Music in 3 very different games has affected me.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Oct 24, 2014
Changing the music in a game can change the emotional impact you have while playing.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Oct 17, 2014
The most recent update for Sniper Elite V3 now supports AMD Mantle. This also coincides with the latest driver update (Catalystâ„¢ 14.9 WHQL).
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Oct 2, 2014
What is wrong with the Steam Store? And how the recent update may help fixed it.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Sep 30, 2014
GTA V confirmed for Xbox One on the 18th November 2014. And 27th January 2015 for PC.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Sep 12, 2014
Unreal 4 free for all students enrolled in video game development, computer science, art, architecture, simulation, and visualization programs.
Pierre Fouquet
Pierre Fouquet
Sep 4, 2014