Samuel Franklin
Articles Published
About The Author
Just a down to earth gamer based in Sydney and administrator of Games Finder ( who loves all sorts of video game genres and has a passion for writing as well. Raised in the 80s and 90s I have a soft spot for video game classics such as the original Diablo and SimCoaster amongst countless others. I've been hooked on video games ever since and for as long as I can remember, having the opportunity to share that passion with others is why I love to write on GameSkinny. More recently I've been playing games such as Fortnite, League of Legends, Apex Legends, Destiny 2 amongst more hidden indie gems such as Space Food Truck and Battle Chef Brigade. I love having a diverse range of video games to play depending on my mood at the time while also ensuring I can see everything that the video game industry (big and indie) push out. While I can't play every game out there I love to read about current releases and stay abreast of the industry at large. Outside of GameSkinnyAll Posts
Category: delivers again with another free offering from it's collection of DRM free games.
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin
Feb 14, 2014
With the recent flop of EA's Dungeon Keeper I was interested to see if it had driven gamers back to the originals and games like it.
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin
Feb 7, 2014
Are we on the cusp of an entirely new generation of sandbox games thanks to the success of Minecraft?
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin
Feb 1, 2014
What were the 4 biggest gaming trends in 2013? Find out if they were good for gaming and if they'll continue into 2014.
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin
Jan 1, 2014
With an official release date set for the Diablo 3 expansion it's time to ask the question of whether or not it can save the Diablo 3 name.
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin
Dec 23, 2013