Thomas M Gumbel
Articles Published
About The Author
Writer of stuff. Story stuff, music stuff, game stuff. Look at my Twitter pls.Thomas M Gumbel - Page 2
More major, mainstream accolades for the gaming feminism movement!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 16, 2015
Bungie dumps first details on Destiny's upcoming DLC!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 14, 2015
Yo-Kai Watch games, toys, manga, and more coming to our hemisphere over the next year!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 11, 2015
Twitch viewers direct what happens in this 3-day interactive announcement for... Deus Ex: Mankind Divided!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 8, 2015
Twitch viewers direct what happens in this 3-day interactive announcement for... something!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 7, 2015
Twitch viewers direct what happens in this 3-day interactive announcement for... something!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 6, 2015
Innovative indie-horror Nevermind is already killin' it, but you, dear reader, can make it even better!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 3, 2015
The team behind Metal Gear Solid movie's got some clout going on, but how much would that carry a Kojima-less Metal Gear project?
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Apr 1, 2015
Recent Nintendo announcements concerning NX and DeNA linked with Club Nintendo shutdown/reboot!
Thomas M Gumbel
Thomas M Gumbel
Mar 31, 2015