The Nether Update required some serious fixes regarding server crashes, pushing Mojang to release a flurry of updates. Here are the top 30 Minecraft 1.16.5 seeds you can safely play without stressing over stability issues.
Minecraft 1.16.5: Top 30 Seeds List
Desert Savanna island

- Seed: -1146020902
- Version: Bedrock
- Spawn: 708, 4
- Biomes: Desert, Ocean, Savanna
Spawn on a small Beach island next to a much larger Desert and Savanna island. Just by looking around the island, you’ll be able to easily find two Savanna Villages. They’ll have plenty of useful resources despite the fact that neither has a Blacksmith. Players looking for resources like you would find in a Blacksmith will find some helpful treasures in the two Desert Temples hidden in the island’s Desert.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Savanna Village 1: 925, -339 |
Desert Temple 1: 697, -470 |
Desert Temple 2: 1,033, -487 |
Savanna Village 2: 1,054, -755 |
Jungle Temple in a Savanna Village

- Seed: 1958280979
- Version: Bedrock
- Spawn: 44, 4
- Biomes: Jungle, Savanna
The close proximity of Jungle and Savanna biomes in this world has allowed a Jungle Temple to spawn next to a Savanna Village. It makes its home in the river between the two biomes and contains several chests of treasure. Looting it and the village will give you everything you need to survive well in this world. If you find yourself wanting more, there is a second Jungle Temple closer to Spawn with two more loot chests.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Jungle Temple: 278, 7 |
Savanna Village: -282, -372 |
Jungle Temple 2: -300, -410 |
Hidden Snowy Beach Igloo

- Seed: -8649512807081901403
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 9, 45
- Biomes: Snowy Beach, Snowy Taiga
You won’t have to worry about hostile mobs when you live in this Snowy Beach biome. This is because one side of the beach is home to an igloo, which is only visible to those who look at it from a specific direction. It can easily be turned into a secure base just by adding a door. Look beneath the carpet in this igloo to find its hidden basement. Not only will this give you a Golden Apple, but it will help you expand the igloo without collapsing the beach around it.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Underwater ruined Nether portal: -363, 40 |
Igloo with basement: -301, -159 |
Snowy Swamp village

- Seed: -79198828
- Version: Bedrock
- Spawn: 44, 4
- Biomes: Forest, Snowy Plains, Swamp
This Snowy Village extends into a small Swamp biome, making its white igloos stand out from the rest of the village. The village is home to a single Blacksmith whose home chest contains 3 diamonds. This means you’ll be able to craft a diamond pickaxe or an enchanting table at the start of your world! Explore the Snowy Plains to find an igloo with a basement close to the town.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Snowy Village: 94, -226 |
Igloo with basement: 187, -157 |
Mansion with missing patches

- Seed: 8839085157825889010
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 217, -20
- Biomes: Dark Forest, Forest, Plains
Parts of this Mansion’s floor are missing, causing them to be filled with water or dirt. This allows you to sneak into some rooms through the holes, making for a unique Mansion experience! You’ll also have an easier time fighting Creepers and other hostile mobs using the pools of water. While you explore the Mansion and uncover these patches, make sure to search the walls for hints about secret rooms.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Woodland Mansion: 1,384, -840 |
Plains Village above Stronghold

- Seed: 1920047558
- Version: Bedrock
- Spawn: 48, 4
- Biomes: Forest, Plains
A ravine filled with lava cuts through the center of this Plains Village. It gives you immediate access to ores so long as you tread carefully and dig through the ravine’s walls. As a bonus, you’ll also find a Stronghold directly beneath the village. It is tiny and leads you directly to an End Portal with a single Eye of Ender.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: 539, 549 |
Stronghold Entrance: 549, 24, 548 |
End Portal: 518, 6, 533 |
Starting Stronghold

- Seed: -250494459
- Version: Bedrock
- Spawn: 632, 8
- Biomes: Desert, Plains
Nothing is sweeter than a Minecraft seed with an End Portal next to Spawn. This world begins in a Plains Village next to a Desert and a Savanna. By traveling into the Desert and digging down, you’ll drop into one of the Stronghold’s many staircases. Walk through its halls to find an End Portal with two Eyes of Ender already inserted.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: 676, 73 |
Stronghold staircase: 948, 32, 101 |
End Portal: 946, 16, 112 |
Dangerous Desert

- Seed: 7353724656830272592
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 171, -26
- Biomes: Desert, Plains, Savanna
If you’re looking for a challenge, look no further than this Desert world. There are three Desert Temples and two Pillager Outposts in the area surrounding Spawn. If you’re not confident in taking them on barehanded, visit the village by the first temple to gather supplies before moving on to the hostile structures. By the time you conquer them all, you’ll be the owner of untold riches.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Desert Village with Desert Temple: 534, -222 |
Desert Temple 2: 520, 120 |
Pillager Outpost: 9, 71 |
Pillager Outpost with Desert Temple: -213, 150 |
Six temple Jungle

- Seed: 29984597
- Version: Bedrock
- Spawn: 44, 4
- Biomes: Jungle, Jungle Hills
Six Jungle Temples occupy this large Jungle. They’re scattered around the biome so you will need to travel around to reach them all. While exploring them, make sure to uncover the secret chest inside of each one for special treasures. Players who tire of the Jungle can head east to wander through a Snowy Plains biome.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Jungle Temple 1: 37, 69 |
Jungle Temple 2: 134, 551 |
Jungle Temple 3: -154, 232 |
Jungle Temple 4: -234, -200 |
Jungle Temple 5: 358, -185 |
Jungle Temple 6: 581, -169 |
Mushroom peninsula

- Seed: -8049776397178681697
- Version: Java
- Spawn: -196, 248
- Biomes: Mushroom Island, Savanna
One of the coolest aspects of Minecraft 1.16.5 is that you can often find Mushroom Field biomes attached to other biomes. In this seed, you spawn on a small survival island next to a Mushroom Island connected to a Savanna. You’ll be surprised to find an acacia village crossing over from the Savanna into the mushroom biome. There is another village a thousand blocks away; otherwise, you’ll need to explore the ocean for structures.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Ocean Monument: -232, 376 |
Mushroom peninsula: -60, 136 |
Savanna village: 24, 8 |
Second Savanna village: 790, -499 |
Spawn Mansion

- Seed: 7982634199012855771
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 128, 32
- Biomes: Plains, Forest
A cozy little village is at Spawn alongside a small two-story Woodland Mansion. You will find some really good secret chests hidden inside the mansion, but the mobs won’t let you get them that easily. To the west of Spawn, a large lake hides several buried treasure chests. I recommend traveling this way first so you can use the materials from the chests to take on the Woodland Mansion’s monsters.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: 94, 36 |
Woodland Mansion: 115, 105 |
Buried Treasure 1: -519, 58, 73 |
Buried Treasure 2: -679, 57, 905 |
Buried Treasure 3: -711, 51, 889 |
Ice Spiked village

- Seed: 7751162368028100198
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 0, 0
- Biomes: Ice Spikes, Snowy Plains
I spawned in the center of a large Ice Spikes patch in this seed. To my surprise, there was a tiny village on the outskirts of the biome. Although there isn’t much loot in the village itself, there are not one but two igloos with basements nearby. These two should provide you with enough gold to buy any tools and gear you need.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Ice Spiked village: 45, 7 |
Igloo with basement 1: 344, 296 |
Igloo with basement 2: 312, -408 |
Jungle Temple guardians

- Seed: 8108794125419846437
- Version: Java
- Spawn: -68, -132
- Biomes: Jungle, Plains
What if you found a village with a Jungle Temple integrated into its architecture? Well, here’s your chance to discover such a village at the start of a Minecraft world. The huts stand so close to each other that they merge with the temple. This combined structure can function as a base after getting rid of all the mobs inside.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Jungle Temple guardians: 104, 56 |
Jungle Temple 2: -216, -216 |
Pillager Outpost in Desert Temple: 888, 104 |
Mushroom Plains Village

- Seed: 4778515467969755658
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 208, 4
- Biomes: Mushroom Island, Plains
There’s no safer place in Minecraft than a Mushroom Island. If you spawn here, you’ll get a village and a nice patch of mushrooms that will protect you from all hostile mobs. When you find yourself ready for a challenge, travel a few hundred blocks to a Pillager Outpost. If you don’t feel prepared to take on the Pillagers, visit a buried treasure chest to gather materials to craft weapons.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Mushroom village: 67, 106 |
Buried Treasure: 441, 52, -199 |
Pillager Outpost: 569, 234 |
Minecraft Mansion adventures

- Seed: -5332952418924194858
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 36, -36
- Biomes: Plains, Forest
This seed begins in a village that has generated next to a Woodland Mansion. Since there are no other structures in a thousand-block radius of Spawn, it’s the perfect opportunity to test your survival skills using only the tools and materials available from the start of the world. If you tire of living next to tons of Illagers and other hostile mobs, travel to the closest Taiga Village and retire from fighting.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: 51, 28 |
Woodland Mansion: 9, 132 |
Taiga Village: -1,019, -4 |
Village on top of a Shattered Savanna

- Seed: 2834512694584724836
- Version: Java
- Spawn: 0, 0
- Biomes: Shattered Savanna, Desert
Hot and dry biomes, such as Savannas and Deserts, have plenty of helpful uses despite not being the best for farming due to lack of water. In this seed, you’ll spawn in an acacia village that stands on top of a Shattered Savanna biome with some nice waterfalls. On this hill, you can mine materials like stone, coal, iron, gold, diamond, redstone, and copper.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Shattered Savanna village: 29, 47 |
Desert Temple: 328, -248 |
Desert Village with Temple: 527, -389 |
Mysterious Jungle village home

- Seed: 8876033227843653670
- Version: Java
- Spawn: -132, 192
- Biomes: Plains, Jungle
What if one of the huts in a village was actually a Jungle Temple full of loot? This seed makes this idea come to life in the small village closest to Spawn. After visiting this village, I urge you to explore the northern part of the Jungle as you’ll find three more Jungle Temples.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Mysterious Jungle village home: 88, 88 |
Jungle Temple 1: 40, -296 |
Jungle Temple 2: -152, -360 |
Jungle Temple 3: -696, 72 |
Icy Mushroom Island

- Seed: -1465850640117401326
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: -100, 50
- Biomes: Frozen Ocean, Mushroom Island
Spawn is set on a large Mushroom Island with a very unusual Plains Village. The village is generated on a tiny piece of plains biome, something you rarely see in newer Minecraft seeds. This island is surrounded by icebergs, shipwrecks, and even an underwater ruined portal. Also, be careful at Spawn as an exposed ocean ruin next to the village is causing a few Drowned enemies to appear.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: -100, 50 |
Small Cold Ocean Ruin: -209, 158 |
Shipwreck: -332, 217 |
Underwater ruined portal: -313, 254 |
Frozen lake shipwreck

- Seed: -2633346777609645921
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: -150, 200
- Biomes: Icebergs, Ocean
There are several exciting points of interest in this survival Minecraft world. First, you will see a shipwreck stuck on an iceberg in the middle of a lake. Secondly, you’ll have the chance to explore a Taiga Village. Lastly, you will find a double dungeon underground near Spawn. One of them spawns spiders while the other one generates zombies.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Frozen lake shipwreck: -300, 500 |
Pillager Outpost: -424, 24 |
Taiga Village: -400, 350 |
Spider dungeon: -217, 36, 116 |
Zombie dungeon: -216, 36, 125 |
Small Nether mansion

- Seed: -1667363160490966618
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 50, 200
- Biomes: Savanna, Roofed Forest
This world begins in a small Plains Village east of a Shattered Savanna biome. Walk west over the Shattered Savanna’s hills to come across a second village and a Woodland Mansion. The Mansion is on the smaller size, but it comes with a ruined Nether Portal to make up for the missing rooms. Its chest has a golden pickaxe enchanted with Fortune III that allows you to gather extra diamonds at the start of your game.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Starting Plains Village: 16, 271 |
Plains Village: -410, 302 |
Woodland Mansion: -495, 283 |
Ruined Nether portal: -546, 371 |
World between two villages

- Seed: 886925522416857401
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 50, -50
- Biomes: Taiga, Plains, Ice Spikes
Begin your adventure between two villages in this seed. The first is surrounded by trees in a Taiga biome while the second resides in an Ice Spikes biome. A ravine between the two goes deep enough underground to reach two intertwining ravines. This phenomenon creates a large, multi-directional cave system for you to explore.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Taiga Village: 72, 56 |
Ravine: 201, -166 |
Plains Village: 232, -264 |
Instant Blaze farm

- Seed: -5004697438377915344
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: -208, -148
- Biomes: Forest, Extreme Hills
After spawning in the village that stands in the ravine, travel southwest to reach a ruined portal on the hills. This portal will send you straight into a Nether Fortress beneath its Blaze spawner. The portal location makes this seed very lucky by allowing you to farm blaze rods for brewing potions later in your journey.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: -178, -163 |
Nether Blaze Spawner: -62, 66, -2 |
Multi-biome intersection

- Seed: -7404605241918712456
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 208, -80
- Biomes: Various
This world begins at the intersection of Minecraft 1.16.5’s major biomes and even a few rare ones, including a Shattered Savanna and a Sunflower Plains biome. Travel into the Desert to find a village trapped between a Mesa and an Extreme Hills biome. If you prefer an ocean view, head south from Spawn to find a village on an ocean shore.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Biome intersection: -64, 55 |
Desert Village: -142, 34 |
Ocean Village: -392, 584 |
Jungle and Desert riches

- Seed: -4099434556615951558
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 100, 248
- Biomes: Jungle, Desert
If you’re looking for easy early-game treasures, this seed has you covered. There are four structures to loot near spawn, including a Desert Village, a Desert Temple, a ruined Nether portal, and a Jungle Temple. The first two are in the Desert near Spawn while the other two are found in the Jungle. Each of these structures will have at least one chest of loot, so make sure your pockets are prepared.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Desert Village: 200, 50 |
Jungle Temple: 150, 200 |
Ruined portal: 86, 268 |
Desert Temple: 9, 73 |
Smiths above the Stronghold

- Seed: 5859195333423694798
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 150, -150
- Biomes: Plains, Taiga
You will spawn in a valley between two Taiga Villages in this seed. However, the most exciting village is found over a thousand blocks away. Not only does it have three blacksmiths, which is extremely rare, but it is also very close to a Stronghold. Such good luck is more than worth the trip from Spawn.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Taiga Village 1: -344, 72. |
Taiga Village 2: 232, 168 |
Blacksmith Village: 856, 1,064 |
Stronghold: 1,013, 45, 1,156 |
Small shipwrecked village

- Seed: 550915391673325096
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 64, 41
- Biomes: Ocean, Plains
Island life awaits you in this seed. You’ll spawn directly on a small island with a Plains Village and a floating ruined Nether portal. To the west of Spawn, you’ll find an Ocean Monument to take on. Travel to the north to find a massive Swamp biome or to the east to traverse a lush Taiga. If you’d rather focus on underwater structures, take a short swim south to find a sunken shipwreck.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Shipwrecked village: 64, 41 |
Ruined portal: 173, 52 |
Shipwreck: 56, 143 |
Ocean Monument: -304, 160 |
Triple village spawn

- Seed: -2656282278242786925
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 200, -54
- Biomes: Taiga, Plains
Discovering a double village can take many hours of gameplay, making any seed with one a rarity. This seed takes it a step further by giving you three villages only a short distance away from Spawn! Altogether, the villages will have 40 buildings to explore and loot, making for a great foundation for either solo survival or a survival server. Bring your friends here and build something outstanding!
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village 1: 20, -138 |
Taiga Village: 40, 8 |
Plains Village 2: -142, 44 |
Bastion’s treasury

- Seed: 7467971652334909926
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 50, 50
- Biomes: Savanna, Desert
You will spawn in a Savanna biome located in the middle of the Desert in this world. There are four Desert Temples in this area, two to the west and two to the east. You’ll also find a ruined Nether portal a little over a hundred blocks from Spawn. Its chest contains enough obsidian to rebuild it, giving you an easy path to the Nether. Taking the completed portal will send you to the base of a Bastion Remnant near its treasure room.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Desert Temple 1: -423, 57 |
Desert Temple 2: -230, -152 |
Desert Temple 3: 282, -134 |
Desert Temple 4: 354, 26 |
Ruined Portal: 88, 200 |
Split-biome island

- Seed: 9025887385764104107
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 213, 177
- Biomes: Lukewarm Ocean, Mushroom Island, Savanna, Taiga
Spawn on an ocean shore right next to a small Taiga Village. Raid it, then swim across the narrow channel to your west. You will discover a double biome island consisting of a Savanna and a Mushroom Island biome. It hosts an acacia village, a shipwreck, and a ruined Nether portal.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Taiga Village: 317, 84 |
Split-biome island: -200, -214 |
Acacia Village: -254, -147 |
Ruined Nether portal: -320, -377 |
Shipwreck: -173, -350 |
Easy Mesa mineshaft

- Seed: 1062048685332056767
- Version: Java
- Coordinates: 7, -96
- Biomes: Desert, Plains, Mesa
A village, a ruined portal, and an exposed mineshaft at spawn! This rare combination of structures and biomes provides great luck to anyone who plays this world. You’ll be able to easily access underground resources and the Nether without too much work. Additionally, you’ll find a Zombie dungeon close by that contains two chests full of loot.
Key Locations and their Coordinates |
Plains Village: 57, 119 |
Ruined Nether portal: 179, 149 |
Mineshaft: 127, 174 |
Zombie dungeon: -207, 18, 82 |
That’s it for my list of the top 30 seeds for the Minecraft 1.16.5 version. Stay tuned for more Minecraft tips and tricks articles right here on Gameskinny.
Related: How to find the cherry blossom grove biome in Minecraft on Dot Esports.
Published: Feb 9, 2025 2:22 AM UTC