Theron Shan in SWTOR by Bioware
Image courtesy of BioWare

Best BioWare Romances for an Immersive RPG Experience

BioWare is known for its immersive gaming experiences and romances; however, some romances are just more immersive than others for a detailed RPG experience.

Immersive RPG gaming is the bread and butter of BioWare. It offers romance options that appeal to nearly every gamer. The truth is, some romances will give you more insight into the game than others. If you want a fully immersive experience with BioWare, here are some of the top romances you should play. 

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Star Wars: The Old Republic – Theron Shan

Theron Shan is the son of the famous Bastilia Shan in the Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic universe. He appears in the Old Republic MMORPG throughout the game and the expansions. Of all the romances in the game, Theron seems to be BioWare’s canon choice. His dialogue gives you insight into the storyline that you may not receive from other characters.

Theron also plays a more important role than other romance options. If you want an emotional bond with a character that doesn’t always give you an unbelievably happy ending, this is the romance for you. BioWare took its time making sure his dialogue and emotions were felt through the screen and made him more tangible than the other romances.

Dragon Age 2 – Anders

Anders is one of the romance options in Dragon Age 2. He is also one of the major players in the game outcome. Anders is a mage who was once a Grey Warden. He holds anger, darkness, and a demon all inside of him. He has many different sides you will see play out in the game as it progresses. If you choose to romance Anders, you’ll also see how dark the Chantry can go when it comes to mages.  

Anders starts the mage rebellion in Dragon Age 2
Image courtesy of BioWare.

Romancing Anders opens up special anti-Templar dialogue with a twist on the outlook mages have on blood magic and the Emporium. He also offers you the chance to be part of the end-game script on a more personal level. With this romance, your choices do matter. Even the smallest of dialogue can cause his emotions to overflow to yours or other members of the party.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition – Garrus Vakarian

Garrus Vakarian is a staple in the Mass Effect series. He is a fan favorite and there is a reason why. Garrus has no stake in the outcome of the Reaper War like others do. He is a soldier and former C-Sec officer who turned rogue to follow Shepard throughout the galaxy. His loyalty is unwavering. He walks into hell with your hero and never leaves their side.

Garrus is also one of the few romances who is there for you with talk about a future when the chips are down and the final battle arrives. As with other in-game romances, emotion makes it immersive, and the emotion Garrus’ romance brings to the table is unmistakable. If you haven’t tried this romance, you should. If you have, go through every conversation you can, especially inMass Effect 3 in the refugee camp.

Dragon Age: Inquisition – Cassandra Penteghast

Cassandra Penteghast is one of the more commonly overlooked romances BioWare has created. Many fans find Cassandra to be cold and off-putting. Her view seems rigid like she carries a brick wall around her at all times. However, a romance with her shows a different side of Cassandra. Romancing her takes you into the world of the Seeker, a faction rarely discussed in the Dragon Age universe.

While romancing Cassandra you can find out about her love of poetry and trashy romance novels while learning about her family and her experience with the Rite of Tranquility. She exposes deeper and darker aspects of the game, including lore you may not know otherwise. She also allows you into her world, which she typically closes off to anyone who makes her feel vulnerable.

Each of these romances has hidden lore, dialogue, and aspects that make them some of the best for immersive role-playing experiences. If you enjoy becoming your character and escaping into their universe, try these BioWare romances now.

For more romance option ideas, check out Dragon Dogma: 2 Romance Guide.

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