It's the confidence in their walk. The hard glint in their eyes.The 'don't mess with me today' vibe from the set of their shoulders...
Or maybe it's the giant antlers, crazy plate mail and ginormous weapons. It's hard to tell.
What we do know is that these 10 are the finalists for Most Imposing in the Guild Wars 2 Fashion Contest.
Which one of these fine but fearsome Tyrians would you not want to cross paths or swords with?
Comment to let us know who you think should win the title!
Can't get enough of the fab stylings of GW2 players?
Check out all the fashion finalists!
All winners will be announced August 28th.
- Top 10 Overall
- Most Diabolically Fashionable
- Most Adorable
- Most Couture
- Most Imposing
- Most Unexpected
- Best Fashion Story

Character: Switch, Asura & Purveyor of Oddities
Fisher/Kel calls Switch an inventor, but I call him damn imposing. I mean, look at this guy! If he moseyed up to my kneecaps in a dark alley of Lion's Arch, I'd just throw my wallet at him and run.
"An enigmatic and eccentric figure, Switch has an uncanny knack for showing up at the right place and the right time. Profit is his game, and he plays to win"

Character: Supersnoro, Sylvari Twigstylist
Supersnoro has put together a lighthearted tale of Sylvari style to accompany her look, but don't be fooled by this fashion maven in the making, she's one tough lady.
"While heading towards Frostgorge Sound, I've had to face many tough enemies, while going through blizzards caused by elemental sources."

Character: Thar the Ashbringer, Sylvari Guardian
Thar the Ashbringer awoke from,The Dream to heat and fire, and felt immediately at home.
"I chose this outfit and colours because of my name (Ashbringer) I wanted to go another direction with my Guardian and use Red instead of Blue. The Primeval Warhelm is by far the most attractive one and goes well with Whispers Boots. The Nobleman's Legguardsdoesn't clip at all with the boots and is one of the only pants that has a tabard look. TheInquest Breastplate fits the pants and my body figure very well and has beautiful details. ."

Character: "Hermosa" Lux, Guardian
ignacio.parracalderon created a character to stand between the centaurs and the people of Tyria. Just take a look at her - she's a tank! I think it's a bad, bad time to have hooves in Guild Wars 2.
"She is the mightiest weapon against the centaurs in all Tyria. Empowered with the force of light nothing can stop her."

Character: Nadia Sorel, Bringing Back Tacti-cool
Smugmane showed off wordslinger ways in all their entries (doubters should check out all 4 of the great stories), but Nadia has a cool look and a colder heart to match.
Even her shoes have a hard hearted purpose -
"Fine steel toed boots. Not only are they perfect for kicking your enemies in the crotch, the soles are thick enough that you will not feel most sharp objects that you may step on.."

Character: I N F I N I T Y, Charr
infinity_3729's Charr looks like a nightmare waiting in a tower of doom constructed specifically to house a clock counting down the moments to your grim and unavoidable destiny.
Sorry... can you blame me? Look at that guy - he's terrifying! Despite that, his story makes him sound like he might be a pretty laid back guy.
"He is a Charr of few words and lets his actions speak for him. From his armor, his personality shines through with a calm and determined force."

Character: Iroh Frostmane the Inefficient, a Norn Warrior
Some men make antlers look silly. (Don't believe me? Just wait 'til you see our finalists for 'Most Unexpected.') But Matti Holmström crafted a horn bedecked look that's fiercely no-foolishness.
"I have a deep love for the Elder Scrolls series. The combination of living in Sweden and playing a lot of (too much?) Skyrim lead to this character's current look. When I started playing, a Norn was the obvious choice. I look forward to the day the Pact takes on Jormag."

Character: Jax
Lahad Shaw doesn't take nonsense from anyone. Don't try to cheat him in pool, and don't tug on the beard.
"Though trouble may follow me... I overcome it by putting my sunglasses on and staring at the sun. Wolf, my spirit guide, teaches that there's a time for violence and a time for peace, and there's always time to take a relaxing ride on your beloved motorcycle."

Character: Umbric Blade, a Charr Thief
mechaArcanine put a ton of thought into his look, and came away with an intimidating look from a number of different sets.
"I picked his armor very carefully. One of my main goals was avoiding the trenchcoats that Guild Wars 2 insists on medium armors wearing. Luckily, Charr have possibly the best looking medium chest piece, Tier 3 Cultural. It comes at a hefty price, but is totally worth it! The rest of the armor pieces were mix matched from various other armor sets including Whispers, Inquest, and Krytan Gem shop. Each piece was selectively picked to fit the looks of a high ranking infiltrator."

Character: Rjorn Valkyrson, a Norn Warrior
RunoKnows knows that being an imposing figure on the battlefield isn't just about your armor, it's about your attitude. Rjorn brings both -
"I am Rjorn Valkyrson, son of Valkyr! I love honey mead almost as much as I love GLORY! And, obviously, any contest submission featuring me in action is pretty glorious."
-Rjorn himself
Published: Aug 21, 2013 1:27 PM UTC