Cats, nature's second most cuddly pet. Perhaps even the best of the Animal Kingdom. In some ways they are the closest you can get to owning your own real life Pokemon. They attack you in the tall grass, they "evolve" from cute kitten to angry feline, and they come in a range of different "types" (try telling me that a Munchkin Cat and a Serengeti Cat look like the same animal.)
With that in mind, here are the top 7 fans of Pokemon, who are also cats.
Meowth Hating Pokemon is courtesy of Deviant Artist TokenDuelist.

It's not always a loving relationship, of course, but just look at this kitty's collection.

You know you gotta catch 'em all. I wonder if that Pokeball is full of catnip?

This kitten is absolutely content with his adorable Snorlax snuggly.
Image courtesy of Reddit user Arx0s.

It's never too early to start your kitten on the path towards Pokemon fever! Just check out this little tyke in his very own Pokeball.

This cat is training to be a master!
Actually, this cat is a model for it's very own catnip filled Pokeball. You can find your own at the SalvagedExpression Etsy page.

This Border Collie knows his Pokemon, and while he may not be a cat, he sure is a fan of Pikachu.
Does your pet love Pokemon? Share in the comments below.

This cat loved Pokemon so much, he decided to become a Pikachu!
Actually, this cat is a highly publicized Photoshop job and not an actual dyed cat. Do not dye your cat to look like Pikachu.
Published: Jul 6, 2014 11:25 PM UTC