Let’s put aside the complaints about housing prices for a bit. Everyone’s upset about it (including the Japanese community), but there’s a lot to look forward to in this patch. I, for one, can’t wait to reignite my FFXIV flame.
In 2.0, we spent all our time grinding WP, AK, and (initially) CM for tomes. We’d stack up those Philosophy tomes, hit our Mythology cap, then gathered and crafted to make money. Adequate entertainment, but even the most staunch FFXIV fans have had their fill of tome grinding on the same content by now.
2.1 is bringing new battles to get gear from (Thornmarch, Ultima’s Bane), new instances for tomes and gear (Pharos Sirius and Crystal Tower), new hard modes for older instances (Copperbell Mines and Haukke Manor), and extreme modes for the primals. All in all, this is a decent amount of endgame PVE content.
On top of the above, treasure hunting, Hildibrand, and beast tribe quests are being added for some extra stuff to do and goals to reach for. The new story quests are also a welcome addition, with a total of 16 being implemented with the 2.1 patch.
Wrap all of the above up with the brand new PVP arena and gear, along with the new side content not mentioned above, and FFXIV 2.1 is something to be excited about.
Well, aside from the housing prices.
The 2.1 patch will be the game’s first taste of housing, which is relegated to free companies only until the 2.2 patch. If that weren’t enough to make you a bit sad, know that the housing prices are high enough that many players are convinced it is some sort of conspiracy to catch RMT users.
So just how much do they cost? Well, that’s complicated.
The housing prices vary between servers, and are different based on the land size and the class of the plot of land. The lowest price for a small plot of fifth-class land (on a low population server) is 4 million gil, while the highest price for a large first-class plot of land (on a high population) is 625 million gil.
Furthermore, housing prices will deteriorate with time. Every six hours, a plot of land will reduce in price by 14%.
It is, perhaps, unnecessarily complicated.
If you want to take a look at the housing rates for your server, be sure to take a look at the patch notes. Just promise me you won’t cry.
Aside from all of this.
The patch download is actually available right now, with the servers coming back up sometime today. What are you waiting for? Get to downloading, you silly!
Published: Dec 16, 2013 2:21 PM UTC