Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn has been out for enough time now that the primary playerbase has mostly settled, myself included. Part of this settling is unfortunately losing that spark of adventure, which is something I am desperately hoping the 2.1 patch brings back.
Since I can assume you’ve found your way here from one of my guides, I can also assume that you are a current player of Final Fantasy XIV and are experiencing the same torturous wait as I am for new content. So my question to you (the community at large) is:
What about Final Fantasy XIV keeps you going?
This may be an odd question, because if you are continuing to play the game then logically you also like it. But why?
I personally am all about crafting and progressing with friends. The game’s crafting system is so robust, I am in Heaven as someone who enjoys crafting even in games with less-than-entertaining systems. If left to my own devices, I could craft all day. I am a slave to the all mighty gil.
Every player continues for their own reasons, whether to play with friends, better their free company, or simply because they enjoy the style of dungeons the game provides.
Everyone I’ve talked to has their own reasons for continuing to play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. They do not need to justify why, but it is interesting to see the number of answers I’ve gotten from the community.
I want to know what you personally like about the game, and (if possible) why. Every MMO has its strengths and weaknesses, but what one player likes another will not necessarily see in the same light.
If you can take the time, feel free to let me know in the comments below! I very much want to know more about this diverse community I serve here on GameSkinny, and am a part of in-game and on the forums.
Published: Nov 19, 2013 4:21 AM UTC