The Engineer in Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare supports the zombie team in various ways. They stun plants to stop them from killing teammates, build portals to get the team to gardens quicker in Gardens and Graveyards, and send out drones to harass the enemy team and call in airstrikes.
The new abilities give Engineers a few more options and utility when it comes to fighting the plants. The stun grenade alternate ability will make plants think twice before rushing to a portal or objective. I’ll go over each ability, the differences between the new and old versions, when to use each, and battle tips for each ability.
To learn the basics of this class, check out the Engineer Class guide. If you want to know about the different variants, visit the Engineer Variants guide. For help with anything else related to Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, go to the Master Guide List.
This guide will cover everything about the alternate abilities for Engineer including:
- Engineer Alternate Abilities – What they are and what they do.
- Ability Differences – How the new abilities compare to the old ones.
- Ability Tips – When to use each version of the abilities and combat tips.
Engineer Alternate Abilities
The normal abilities for the Engineer are: Sonic Grenade, Zombot Drone, and Jackhammer. The alternate abilities are: Proximity Sonic Mine, Rocket Drone, and Turbo Jackhammer.
Proximity Sonic Mine
The Proximity Sonic Mine is a stationary explosive and not the normal Sonic Grenade you throw. You can set 3 mines at a time and when a plant gets near one, they explode and stun.
Ability Tips
- Set up sonic mines near portals to give you more time to kill plants trying to destroy them.
- Placing sonic mines around the garden, or other objective points, helps complete the objective.
- Place them in common used pathways as traps to slow down plants or make them easy kills.
- Use the normal Sonic Grenade when you need to throw a stun or stuns things quickly.
Rocket Drone
The Rocket Drone is bulkier than the Zombot Drone. It has 20 health instead of 5, shoots a purple laser as its primary weapon and sends down one cone strike instead of several.
Ability Tips
- The Rocket Drone is good for scouting. The extra health lets you spot where the plants are and what they are doing.
- The cone strike only sends down one, but it has a short cooldown. This is great for changing targets quickly and keeping pressure on the enemy during objective-based games.
- The Zombot Drone is better when you want to do maximum damage and if you know the enemy won’t destroy it quickly.
Turbo Jackhammer
The Turbo Jackhammer goes much faster than the normal Jackhammer, but it doesn’t last as long.
Ability Tips
The Jackhammer in general has many uses. It knocks plants in the air, stunning them for a short while. This also uproots plants using rooted abilities like the Peashooter’s Gatling Pea and the Sunflower’s Sunbeam. Chomper’s can’t swallow you while on a jack hammer either, so it’s great for escaping their Chomp.
- The Turbo Jackhammer is best when you need to get somewhere fast that isn’t too far away.
- The normal Jackhammer is best when you need to go far distances since it lasts longer.
- Turbo Jackhammer is also great for escaping quickly, chasing down enemies, and stunning plants quickly.
That’s the end of the new Engineer abilities guide. If you have any questions, or suggestions, then let me know in the comments below. If you want to read anymore tips or guides for anything related to Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, check out the Master Guide List.
Published: Mar 30, 2014 12:53 AM UTC