Last week, Activision announced that the next title in the Call of Duty franchise would be Call of Duty Modern Warfare. The game is a soft reboot of the CoD subseries.
Aside from revealing a gameplay trailer and the game’s October 25 release date, initial information regarding the announcement said that the game would feature crossplay with PC and console. At the time, various outlets reported that crossplay would include Xbox One and PS4, but an inquiry to the company’s third-party public relations representative did not return definitive results.
However, a recent Forbes article has cleared the waters up a bit. Call of Duty Modern Warfare will feature crossplay with PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Like Fortnite, the system will feature input-based matchmaking.
What that means is that the game will recognize what input device(s) players are using and match them with players using the same devices. Players using controllers will be matched with other controller users, while those using mouse and keyboard will be matched with other M+K users.
The Forbes article does point out that console players using controller could face PC players using mouse and keyboard if they are “partied with a PC friend on console.”
As pointed out in a Eurogamer article on the same subject, Candice Capen, a producer at Infinity Ward, on Twitter referenced the Forbes article when asked to shed more light on the game’s crossplay.
Following the game’s official reveal, Activision acknowledged that Modern Warfare‘s various DLC packages would launch first on the PlayStation 4. The developer has not yet provided information on how that might affect crossplay moving forward, if at all.
In other Call of Duty news, Activision confirmed last week that Modern Warfare will not feature a zombies mode. Campaign Gameplay Director Jacob Minkoff said that the development team decided that zombies didn’t mesh with the game’s more realistic tone.
Published: Jun 4, 2019 5:51 PM UTC