Xbox One got off to a rocky start with its E3 début and the new features that were to come with the new Microsoft console. Following E3, Microsoft saw a huge backlash against the new features of the Xbox One that caused them to start back peddling..hard. Months after E3 and the bad press it unleashed, Microsoft is still working hard to redeem their reputation as a complete entertainment system despite Sony’s high pre-sale numbers for the PS4.
New Tactics?
In an attempt to recoup their fans, Microsoft isn’t just relying on the written word. Microsoft has taken to creating and launching a new infographic campaign seen here. Using a black background to make the infographic really grab your attention, Microsoft relies on their trusty Xbox green color to make a statement about how its “your Xbox”.
The above is only part of the infographic Microsoft has released to show how much policy they’ve changed prior to launch of the Xbox One come the new year. Price, however, hasn’t changed. It is still listed as $499.99.
Do you think this advertisement campaign is going to work in Microsoft’s favor? Were you an Xbox fan until E3? If so, have you still lost faith in the Xbox One or is Microsoft gaining your favor again?
Published: Sep 9, 2013 11:00 pm