Scyrcus Tower is the second installment of the Crystal Tower story line. It’s a 24-man raid in which players queue into using the Duty Finder. Unlike the four and eight-man instances, Syrcus Tower requires a massive amount of coordination and awareness. One wrong step could cause the other 23 players to die as well. This guide will cover the first boss, Scylla, one of the most hectic fights in Syrcus Tower.
Before starting there are three important things to work out.
- Main Tank
- Off Tanks
- Party Positions
Main tank and off tanks are basic common sense. The Main tank will be in charge of holding Scylla in place for the rest of the alliance to kill. The off tanks are in-charge of picking up the additional monsters that spawn during the fight.
The party position isn’t as cut and dry. There are three circles on the floor in the room, one for each party. During a move called Daybreak, each party is supposed to group up on a circle to prevent Daybreak from hitting the alliance. The easiest way to set this up is to put waypoints on these circles corresponding to each party. Refer to the map below for standard set-up. Each party will start at their waypoint, and gather back at their waypoint during Daybreak.
There are two primary mechanics to this fight. Due to the nature of the first mechanic that utilizes tether orbs, the fight is really hard to track visually. The second is the Daybreak mechanic I’ve already mentioned.
Tether Orbs:
There are three different colored orbs in this mechanic and each is dealt with differently.
- Purple Orb: These orbs are taken to the purple pillars stationed halfway between each platform in the room. This enables the platforms to power up during the Daybreak phase.
- Blue Orb: These orbs freeze the target upon making contact. You need to pull these back away from Scylla a bit and then let them hit you. This effect works in tandem with the final orb.
- Red Orb: Red orbs deal fire damage upon making contact with a player. These are used to unfreeze players who received the blue orb, leaving a blue circle on the ground. If there are no frozen players you just have to let the orb hit you. Do not let the orb hit you in a blue circle as it removes them from the floor.
Ancient Flare:
Ancient Flare makes use of the blue circles left on the ground. When Scylla starts casting Ancient flare run to a blue circle. These circles protect you from the massive damage that Ancient Flare deals.
At 25% HP Scylla starts casting Daybreak. During this time, players should return to their party’s waypoint to activate the platforms. If enough purple orbs were taken to the pillars, the platforms will power a shield that blocks the effects. If not, all parties are immobilized for a set period of time. This also happens if not enough people reach their platforms. After Daybreak is cast, several monsters spawn that need to be killed.
Staff of Eldering
These adds can be killed or ignored. They place circle AoE attacks on the ground that are easily avoidable. Killing them only serves to clear some of the effects from the area.
Follow everything above and Scylla shouldn’t be difficult at all. Good luck and have fun. For more guides, check out my FFXIV guide directory.
Published: Jul 13, 2014 11:09 PM UTC