Here are the locations for all Poogie outfits in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, as well as how to get them.

Monster Hunter: World Iceborne Poogie Outfits

Here are the locations for all Poogie outfits in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, as well as how to get them.
This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

Poogie is one of the cutest NPCs in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. This little buddy can be dressed in various outfits by completing specific actions. Below, we will show you how to collect all Poogie outfits in the game.

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Some outfits are really easy to find, while others may require completing certain quests. In any case, keep on reading for all the info on Poogie outfits in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

All Poogie Outfits Locations

Poogie Outfit
Memorial Stripes
Default Poogie outfit you get at the very beginning of the game. 
Apprentice Fiver
Carry your Poogie to the Huntsman in Astera and drop it there. It will dig out the Apprentice Fiver outfit.
Hog in a Frog
Carry your Poogie to the Ancient Tree. Drop it to the right of the pond. Wait for it to dig up the Hog in a Frog outfit.
White Jammies
Go to Ecological Research Center. Drop Poogie near the Smart Biologist‘s fossil.
Emperor’s New Duds Drop Poogie at the arbor in the northern part of Astera near the sea.
Buzzy Bee Take the lift to Level 4 in Astera and go to the Gathering Hub. Take part in the Spring Blossom Fest to unlock this outfit.
Seaside Sausage Take part in Summer Twilight Fest at the Gathering Hub.
Boa Bell Coat Unlocked at the Gathering Hub. Part of the Winter Star Fest.
Sparkling Party This is the last outfit you can unlock by taking part in an Appreciation Fest at the Gathering Hub.
Bacon Behemoth Slay the Behemoth monster in the A Visitor from Eorzea quest. The Behemoth is at the Elder’s Recess, and it is weak to Dragon damage, Use either Radiant Sword longsword or Immovable Dharma greatsword.
Dodo-ham-a This outfit typically spawns in the southwestern part of Astera. Walk around that area with your Poogie, and it should spawn.
Wall of Warmth Complete The Thunderous Troublemaker quest and slay the Fulgur Anjanath monster, which can be found at Hoarfrost Reach.
Pretty in Pink You can find this outfit in the western area of Seliana near the supply bins.
Fluffy Fairy This random Poogie outfit can also be seen in Seliana. Check the Hunter’s House.


That’s it on how to get all Poogie outfits in Iceborne. For more Monster Hunter World guides, check out the list below:

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Serhii Patskan
Contributing Writer
Serhii is the Writer at GameSkinny. He's been writing for GameSkinny since 2015. Before that, he's been writing for various outlets and playing video games, which eventually turned into a passion. The video games that have contributed the most to his enthusiasm for writing about this industry are Magic: The Gathering, Dark Souls, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.