At this point, Dead by Daylight is a veritable who’s who of horror movie villains. From Michael Myers to Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, and Ghost Face, some of horror’s most iconic baddies continue killing in the asymmetric multiplayer survival game released in 2016. Now add Hellraiser‘s Pinhead to the list.
Pinhead is available on all platforms for $4.99 as part of the Hellraiser Chapter. The DLC also brings a surely recognizable Clive Barker device to Dead by Daylight, the Lament Configuration Puzzle. Behaviour Interactive said Pinhead would teleport to Dead by Daylight mobile at a later date.
Instead of hunting down players like other Dead by Daylight killers, Pinhead’s mechanics stay closer to his depiction in the Hellraiser films. There’s an in-depth breakdown of how the developers worked to get this right over on the PlayStation Blog, but the TL;DR is that players will find something new and unique in Pinhead’s movements and attacks.
The Cenobite uses Summons of Pain to conjure a chain that “binds” and slows victims, removing their ability to sprint away.
Game Design Director, Matt Spriggens said:
This unique power lets players bring an aspect of control to a ranged attack since they get to guide their own projectiles. The biggest challenge for players then becomes mastering the strategies and mind games of where and when to place the gateway to launch the chain.
One great aspect of this power players might not think of immediately is that you can open a gateway without actually summoning a chain allowing you to scout info without committing to a physical presence in certain areas of the map.
Three perks, Deadlock, Plaything, and Gift of Pain, add to Pinhead’s terrifying arrival, wreaking havoc for players around the map, blocking generators and applying detrimental status effects such as Oblivious, Mangled, and Hemorrhage.
Finally, Pinhead can find the Lament Configuration, which randomly spawns on a map, before players and unleash Chain Hunt. To keep the chains of Hell from hunting them down, players must solve the puzzle. Still, Pinhead can teleport to their location a keep them from doing so.
On top of adding Pinhead to Dead by Daylight, the Hellraiser Chapter also includes the Chatterer legendary set and the Hell Priest very rare outfit.
Dead by Daylight and its DLC, except for the Hellraiser, Resident Evil, and Stranger Things chapters, Charity Case, and original soundtrack are 50% off on all platforms. The Ultimate Edition is 30% off, while the Killer and Survivor expansions are 20% off.
Published: Sep 7, 2021 10:31 PM UTC