There are lots of cool changes in the Terraria 1.4 update, Journey’s End. One of the coolest, at least aesthetically, is the Gemcorn. If you’re here, that means you need to know how to make and plant Gemcorns, and that’s where we come in.
Gemcorns grow into Gem Trees, and Gem Trees are a fun way to get more gems, but they also help make underground lairs look far more interesting, and style is everything. So, here’s what you need to know.
How to Make Gemcorns
Making Gemcorns is actually very easy, you don’t even need a workbench as you can combine them by hand. Try not to think too hard about how that’s possible, though…
Anyway, to create a Gemcorn, you need a gemstone and an acorn. Then, you just squish them together in crafting.
This works with:
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Topaz.
Each will produce a Gemcorn of the corresponding type. Those, in turn, will grow into a Gem Tree that produces those gems. Super simple.
How to Plant Gemcorns
Planting Gemcorns is the same as planting any other kind of acorn. However, you can’t do it on the surface world. Instead, you have to do it in the Underground or below, and you can only plant Gemcorns in stone.
Unlike normal trees, Gem Trees grow when there is no light, meaning any light source near them will actually slow them down. Ideally, you want to plant them in the pitch black.
Once they’re fully grown, you can chop them down, and they’ll produce some Stone Blocks, some Gemcorns, and some Gems too. This can make them pretty useful for generating money early on in a game, but also great for making certain items too.
Of course, you might just want them to look flashy, and we respect that. Either way, that’s everything you need to know about how to grow and plant Gemcorns. For more, be sure to check out our other Terraria guides!
Published: May 19, 2020 11:42 AM UTC