The news we’ve all been waiting for has arrived — Rick And Morty Season 3 drops July 30th, 2017! While we wait with baited breath for new episodes, there’s still plenty of Pocket Mortys to play, including the Morty Games addition that brings in a whole new way to force your Mortys to terribly maim each other.
Located on the far west side of the Citadel, the Morty Games features five large themed tournaments, each broken down into a series of battles where you have limited resources and only loaned Mortys to draw on. To keep you coming back for more, there’s a 24 hour cool down between each battle unless you spend Blips and Chitz tickets.
At the end of all those battles are five brand new, special Mortys that can only be won in the Morty Games and aren’t found out in the wild while battling for badges.
Morty Games Selection Strategy
Each battle has a differing maximum number of points to spend (shown in the lower left corner) and each Morty or item you pick has a point value assigned (shown on the right side), meaning you have to be strategic in your picks.
In most battles you absolutely need one Morty of each type to counter the other Mortys, with leftover points used towards items. In a few battles, the other trainer doubles up on types (like two scissors Mortys). Those are noted in the trainer list below.
Buffs and debuffs in general aren’t as useful here — your goal is to kill as quickly as possible, so pick Mortys who have multiple attacks, and in particular pick ones that have one typed attack and one untyped attack.
Don’t forget to compare each of the Morty stats and abilities by tapping the “i” icon on the far right side. Some Mortys have the same point value but one might have more health or attack power.
If you don’t feel like guessing or learning through trial and error, you can cheat and use our handy breakdown below that shows you which specific lineup each enemy trainer will be using.
Winning The Morty Games
Dirty Rick (the guy at the storefront inside the Morty Games) will stash a handful of your items for 1,000 Schmeckles. This fabulous method of cheating is expensive, but frequently necessary. The enemy trainers get fresh new Mortys between each set of battles — but you have to keep using your busted old Morty selection. Health is one thing, but if you’re out of AP, then you might as well give up.
In the first round, you’ll briefly see the enemy trainer. The Morty directly behind him or her is the first Morty you’ll battle, so if you’ve memorized each Morty, you already know how you should set your lineup to counter in the first fight.
Unlike your typical Morty trainer in the wild, the Morty Games trainers will switch out Mortys mid-battle to screw with your attacks. Your goal is to take down the other Mortys as quick as possible, so if there’s an obvious imbalance in level and type, switch out as well to get the type advantage — but if you’ve got untyped attacks that will take care of the current enemy, just keep going.
If you aren’t careful, you can end up in a death spiral where you are trying to switch out every turn and just keep getting smashed along the way instead of doling out any attacks in return.
Morty Games Trainers
Below is a full list of every single trainer across all the tournaments and what their Morty lineup looks like. As long as you pick loaner Mortys to counter their lienup, you shouldn’t have any problems winning.
Show Me What You’ve Got
Headism Movement
Battle 1:
- Level 10 Peace Morty (Paper)
- Level 10 Mustache Morty (Scissors)
- Level 11 Scruffy Morty (Rock)
Battle 2:
- Level 10 Blue Shirt Morty (Paper)
- Level 11 Double Morty (Rock)
- Level 11 Mullet Morty (Scissors)
Battle 3:
- Level 12 Veiny Morty (Scissors)
- Level 12 Moon Morty (Rock)
- Level 13 Old Morty (Paper)
Dance Of The Morty
Battle 1:
- Level 14 Evil Rabbit Morty (Scissors)
- Level 15 One Eye Morty (Paper)
- Level 16 Karate Morty (Rock)
Battle 2:
- Level 15 Triple Morty (Scissors)
- Level 16 Phantom Morty (Paper)
- Level 16 Giant Head Morty (Rock)
Battle 3:
- Level 19 Ghostly Morty (Paper)
- Level 19 Exo-Omega Morty (Scissors)
- Level 20 No Skin Morty (Scissors)
Praise The Morty
Battle 1:
- Level 30 Shadow Morty (Scissor)
- Level 30 Punk Morty (Rock)
- Level 30 Mascot Morty (Paper)
Battle 2:
- Level 30 Aqua Morty (Paper)
- Level 30 Gaseous Morty (Rock)
- Level 31 Robot Morty (Scissors)
Battle 3:
- Level 31 Mini Morty (Rock)
- Level 30 Big Tongue Morty (Paper)
- Level 30 Guard Morty (Scissors)
Interdimensional Morty-Thon 14
Morty In Need
Battle 1:
- Level 16 Three Eye Morty (Paper)
- Level 17 Ad Space Morty (Paper)
Battle 2:
- Level 16 Flu Morty (Rock)
- Level 17 Mutant Flu Morty (Rock)
Battle 3:
- Level 20 Strawberry Morty (Paper)
- Level 18 Mini Morty (Rock)
- Level 19 Pizza Morty (Scissors)
Morty Aid
Battle 1:
- Level 16 Triple Morty (Scissors)
- Level 17 Reptile Morty (Scissors)
Battle 2:
- Level 17 Stray Cat Morty (Scissors)
- Level 18 Two Cat Morty (Scissors)
Battle 3:
- Level 17 Punk Morty (Rock)
- Level 18 Greaser Morty (Rock)
- Level 19 Biker Morty (Rock)
Morty Relief
Battle 1:
- Level 16 No Eye Morty (Paper)
- Level 17 Triple Morty (Scissors)
Battle 2:
- Level 16 Shell Shocked Morty (Rock)
- Level 17 Mystic Morty (Rock)
Battle 3:
- Level 16 Spork Morty (Rock)
- Level 17 Hammerhead Morty (Rock)
- Level 18 Green Shirt Morty (Paper)
Battle 4:
- Level 17 Raptor Morty (Scissors)
- Level 18 Petrified Morty (Rock)
Band Of Jerrys
Game Of Jerrys
Battle 1:
- Level 16 Buff Morty (Rock)
- Level 17 Super Unicorn Morty (Rock)
- Level 16 Renegade Morty (Rock)
Battle 2:
- Level 16 Ad Space Morty (Paper)
- Level 16 Business Morty (Paper)
- Level 17 Red Shirt Morty (Paper)
Battle 3:
- Level 17 Unkempt Morty (Rock)
- Level 17 Big Tongue Morty (Paper)
- Level 17 Fork Morty (Rock)
This Jerry Of Mine
Battle 1:
- Level 18 Jerry’s Game Morty (Paper)
- Level 18 Hipster Morty (Scissors)
- Level 18 Hippie Morty (Paper)
Battle 2:
- Level 19 Karate Morty (Rock)
- Level 19 Punk Morty (Rock)
- Level 20 Chops Morty (Scissors)
Battle 3:
- Level 20 Super Morty Fan Morty (Paper)
- Level 20 Multi Morty (Scissors)
- Level 21 Colossal Head Morty (Rock)
- Level 22 Pepperoni Pizza Morty (Scissors)
Last Jerry Standing
Battle 1:
- Level 16 Mascot Morty (Paper)
Battle 2:
- Level 16 Hammerhead Morty (Rock)
Battle 3:
- Level 16 Morticia (Untyped)
Battle 4:
- Level 16 Wizard Morty (Rock)
- Level 16 Guard Morty (Scissors)
- Level 16 Phantom Morty (Paper)
Snowball’s Morty Pageant
A Dog’s Best Morty
Battle 1:
- Level 20 Two Cat Morty (Scissors)
- Level 21 Rabbit Morty (Scissors)
- Level 20 Dog Morty (Scissors)
Battle 2:
- Level 20 Evil Rabbit Morty (Scissors)
- Level 21 Werewolf Morty (Scissors)
Battle 3:
- Level 21 Butterfly Morty (Scissors)
- Level 21 Super Unicorn Morty (Rock)
- Level 22 Mortysaurus (Scissors)
Grooming Morty
Battle 1:
- Level 20 Unkempt Morty (Rock)
- Level 20 No Eye Morty (Paper)
- Level 21 Flu Morty (Rock)
Battle 2:
- Level 21 Mustache Morty (Scissors)
- Level 20 V Neck Morty (Scissors)
- Level 21 Afro Morty (Scissors)
Battle 3:
- Level 20 Business Morty (Paper)
- Level 21 Guard Morty (Scissors)
- Level 20 Rainbow Shirt Morty (Paper)
Fancy Dress
Battle 1:
- Level 18 Mystic Morty (Rock)
- Level 18 Cowboy Morty (Paper)
- Level 19 Moon Morty (Rock)
Battle 2:
- Level 20 Pocket Mortys Morty (Paper)
- Level 20 Super Morty Fan Morty (Paper)
Battle 3:
- Level 19 No Mercy Morty (Rock)
- Level 20 Renegade Morty (Rock)
- Level 20 Wrestler Morty (Rock)
Mr. Needful’s Vice & Virtue
Sins of the Grandpa
Battle 1:
- Level 27 No Mercy Morty (Rock)
- Level 26 Hipster Morty (Scissors)
- Level 27 Rainbow Shirt Morty (Paper)
- Level 25 Peace Morty (Paper)
- Level 27 Psychokinetic Morty (Scissors)
Battle 2:
- Level 27 Mermaid Morty (Rock)
- Level 26 Business Morty (Paper)
- Level 26 Sun Morty (Rock)
- Level 27 Dog Bite Morty (Scissors)
- Level 28 Morticia (Untyped)
Tormented Ricks
Battle 1:
- Level 25 Unkempt Morty (Rock)
- Level 28 Ancient Morty (Paper)
- Level 25 Infected Morty (Scissors)
- Level 27 Flu Morty (Rock)
- Level 27 Red Shirt Morty (Paper)
Battle 2:
- Level 26 Giant Head Morty (Rock)
- Level 27 Phantom Morty (Paper)
- Level 26 Biker Morty (Rock)
- Level 26 Punk Morty (Rock)
- Level 28 Parasitic Morty (Scissors)
Battle 1:
- Level 27 Three Eye Morty (Paper)
- Level 27 Exo-Omega Morty (Scissors)
- Level 26 Multi Morty (Scissors)
- Level 25 Mystic Morty (Rock)
- Level 27 Diamond Eyes Morty (Scissors)
Battle 2:
- Level 27 Spork Morty (Rock)
- Level 28 Big Tongue Morty (Paper)
- Level 26 Sausage Morty (Scissors)
- Level 26 Pizza Morty (Scissors)
- Level 26 Banana Morty (Paper)
Rick’s Inferno
Battle 1:
- Level 27 Business Morty (Paper)
- Level 26 Boulder Morty (Rock)
- Level 27 Wizard Morty (Rock)
- Level 26 Veiny Morty (Scissors)
- Level 27 Old Morty (Paper)
Battle 2:
- Level 27 Ghostly Morty (Paper)
- Level 28 Flaming Morty (Paper)
- Level 26 Werewolf Morty (Scissors)
- Level 27 Goo Morty (Paper)
- Level 28 Skeleton Morty (Scissors)
Morty Games Rewards
When you win a round within a tournament by completing the battle set, your Rick gets a sack of loot just like when beating a trainer in the wild — usually including schmeckles and mega seeds or a random item.
At the end of the tournament itself, you earn a special trophy and are gifted with a unique Morty as follows:
- Headism Morty for beating Show Me What You Got
- Turbulent Juice Morty for beating Interdimensional Morty-Thon 14
- Jerry Fan Morty for beating Band Of Jerrys
- Exoskeleton Morty for beating Snowball’s Morty Pageant
- Sexy Devil Morty for beating Mr. Needful’s Vice & Virtue
Winning your first Morty Games trophy
More Pocket Mortys Shenanigans
All done with the Morty Games and ready to get on doing quests or earning badges in the wild? Check out our other Pocket Mortys guides as well:
- Master list of all Mortys
- Pocket Mortys tips and strategies
- Full crafting recipe guide
- Using Investment Rick
- Complete combat / trainer survival guide
Published: Jun 30, 2017 2:38 AM UTC