Yesterday the Nintendo Switch was announced -- and it made an incredible shockwave across the whole internet. The long-awaited console reveal gave birth to a plethora of reaction images and funny pictures that parodied the upcoming system and poked (harmless) fun at a few of its features.
Here are some of the funniest ones we've found so far.

10. Iwata gives us his final ripple console!
Referencing an Iconic scene in the anime Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure: Battle Tendency, Satoru Iwata is compared to the show's Caesar Zeppeli -- implying that even after his death, this last console will make Nintendo win the console war after all.
Pretty heartwarming and a bit funny.

9. The DIY Nintendo Switch
Lots of people have been posting ways to make your own Nintendo Switch. This one, however, is my favorite. Perhaps it's a way to make the Wii U useful, finally?

8. Pen pineapple apple pen
This one is all about the recent meme generated by the aforementioned song. It is pretty funny and somehow describes the Switch perfectly.

7. Nintendo Stitch
I'm a bit partial to this one because I love Lilo and Stitch. Here's hoping that Disney ends up partnering with Nintendo to support the Switch, and leave it at that.

6. This Hilarious Reaction Face
For those of you who can't read it, this fan is saying:
"Someone told me that Nintendo will file for bankruptcy because of the switch, this is how I reacted."
I don't think that any further explaination is needed here.

5. Switch with Adam Sandler
Truly a gem.
The movie itself wasn't particularly remarkable, but this may have changed things. In fact, this photo might be funnier than the entire film -- or anything else Sandler has ever done.

4. Robot dog comparisons
There are various versions of this, but this in particular is my favorite. When you squint a little, the Switch does look eerily like those robot dogs that never really became as popular as anyone hoped.
Now....before jumping into our top 3 photos, let's look at some honorable mentions.

Honorable Mention: Wii U's Alola Form
There's not much to say here. As a Pokèmon fan I liked it a lot, given how clever it is. And to be honest, the Switch does look suspiciously like it could be the Alolan Form of the Wii U.

Honorable Mention: Switch Partners
This one is so true that it hurts.

3. Nintendo Swiss
It can do literally anything.You won't be able to live without it. Look how versatile!

2. Nintendo Toaster
I truly don't know what to say. This one made me laugh a lot. I doubt the Switch will actually include this feature, but we can dream!
And last but not least, the funniest parody photo of the Switch is.....

1. The Nintendo Switch-blade
Nintendo will take your money, no matter what. So you might as well shut up and give it to them.
This photo not only has a really great art style, but it's very appropriate -- because Nintendo will have your money. You can't stop it.
These are some of our favorite fan parodies of the Switch so far, but what are yours? What other hilarious Nintendo Switch images have you seen on the Internet so far? Let us know in the comments!
Published: Oct 21, 2016 11:34 AM UTC