So what exactly is a "AAA" game title? It's basically a highly anticipated game with massive hype surrounding it, with high marketing and production. Some games hit the mark because they are well received by critics and gamers alike. Unfortunately, some games don't due to lack of direction, development issues, and other unfortunate errors. So, lets take a look at 6 Of the worst AAA games out there.

1. Friday the 13th: The Game
Sometimes games that are crowdfunded have a 50-50 chance to be successful. Fortunately, Friday the 13th was a successful campaign due to unique features like having the ability to not only play as a victim in a multiplayer environment but also as Jason himself -- and you can do multiple environmental kills in the game. Unfortunately, the game lacks in a couple of areas, and when the highly anticipated title was finally released, it looked very unfinished. It might not be the worst, but it was truly disappointing.

2. Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 was highly anticipated, badly executed -- much like the first Battlefront game, which should be on this list as well. There is no doubt this game should belong on this list, for the most part due to the controversy surrounding it. Not to mention the things that lack in the game, like the single-player campaign and taking over 40+ hours to unlock Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. One of the of the most controversial things about the game is the loot boxes, which some have compared to gambling. EA's trying to mitigate the major backlash, but the damage is already done. The game had a user score of 0.9 on Metacritic, and EA lost $3 billion because of this issue.

3. No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky had so much promise, and it was well-regarded by so many people before its release. So what happened? Sean Murray promised so many features for the game, but those promises were nothing but hype with false advertisement. The game was to be a massive multiplayer game where players could interact with other players in an open-world environment. However, the game had a lack of variety in gameplay, uninteresting environments, and poor optimization on the PC ports. A high-priced game of $60 drove gamers to return their games for refunds because of its broken promises. A low score of 2.9 on Metacritic and a 5/10 on Steam really speak clearly about this game.

4.Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5
The old saying goes for skateboarders, "If you fall off your board, you get back on." That is what this series was trying to do with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5. After the events of Ride and Shred, the series had fallen on its face, and Activision was trying to get it back on its feet. Unfortunately, the fifth game in the Pro Skater series failed to capture the magic of the four games before it. Gamers felt that it was too buggy to play, a glitched mess, there weren't enough inspiring activities to do in the game. As this might be a final nail in the coffin for the series, it's not too late to get this series back on its feet and skate once again.

5. Need For Speed: Packback
EA's Need for Speed series was highly praised for its unique graphics, beautiful cars, and unbelievable city environments. Unfortunately, the series has now suffered due to EA's lack of direction, which is causing infamous rage among the gaming community. Need for Speed: Payback was a highly anticipated game that led to a major letdown, especially since they now include micro-transactions and free-to-play loot systems in the game. Let's not forget the terrible story mode and characters or the fact that there's no free-roaming cops as well. Gamers were outraged by this, wondering why EA has butchered what was once a great series. Truly, there is no wonder why people have now dubbed EA as one of the worst gaming companies ever.

6. The Sims 4
Yet another series going down for the count. Usually, The Sims games were highly praised for the gameplay simulation, customization, and interesting activities in the game. However, as much as SimCity deserves to be on this list for numerous reasons, including their DRM policy, The Sims 4 has now over thrown SimCity as the worst of the worst AAA game title in the Sims series. What made this game such a major pain to gamers were the inability to save their game data, lots of glitches and bugs, and the removal of some of the things that made the Sims games very popular. EA sure does know how to take a great series and destroy its legacy.
Which other AAA game title was the worst to you? Post your comments below, and thanks for reading.
Published: Dec 7, 2017 10:38 PM UTC