Want to improve your skills and get a Victory Royale #1 win? You need to be paying attention to these best Fortnite streamers on Twitch and YouTube!

8 Epic Fortnite Streamers You Can’t Afford to Miss

Want to improve your skills and get a Victory Royale #1 win? You need to be paying attention to these best Fortnite streamers on Twitch and YouTube!
This article is over 6 years old and may contain outdated information

It's basically a foregon conclusion that Fortnite is the most popular game in the world right now. So it shouldn't be much of a surprise that Twitch and YouTube channels are absolutely flooded vids covering everything from bush bamboozling to riding guided rockets across the length of the map.

If you want to cut through the drek and get to the best Fortnite streamers those services have to offer, we've got you covered with a list of the most engaging, most talented players on the planet. 

While the freshly added Replay Mode can help you improve your Fortnite game, there's no substitute for learning from the best of the best. If you can keep up with their strategies, you can get to a #1 Victory Royale in no time. 

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Watch his streams on Twitch

In terms of both raw viewer numbers and epic skill, Ninja is currently the go-to streamer for Fortnite. This is the guy to watch for learning where to land and search, how to avoid getting fragged, where to find the best items to stay alive longer, and how to rack kills like an absolute boss.

As for his style, I find Ninja to be one of the more watchable streamers out there. Why? Because not only does he teach you how to play the game, he doesn't tend to scream, shriek, or to (fake) yell like a lot of other streamers. He's also communicative with his duo or squad, helping the team out and giving some insight into his actions as well.

Lately, Ninja has been making waves by playing with celebrities like Drake, and it's hilariously amusing to hear how unimpressed Ninja is when Drake gets kills. 

That's the type of character that keeps viewers coming back for more. 



Watch her streams on Twitch

KittyPlays has crazy-fast building skills (creating insane contraptions to hem in her opponents), and she lands some epic sniping kills from extreme range. But honestly, the real reason to watch is for her win/lose antics.

The hilarious jaw drop when she accidentally kills herself by falling. The amazing rage quits. The quirky complaints to her dog when she gets fragged. Those are some of the best moments in entertainment you can find on Twitch or YouTube streams.

Hell, they might be some of the funniest moments on "T.V." right now. 


Watch his streams on Twitch

A Cloud9 CS:GO player turned full-time streamer, Shroud doesn't tend to explain his thought processes a lot during streams, but neither do the best senseis. 

Despite his reserved demeanor, Shroud is an absolutely killer Fortnite player. If you want to learn how to survive, watch how he constructs walls and floors to his advantage and get a #1 Victory Royale.

He also pretty succinctly sums up the differences between PUBG and Fortnite fan bases in the beginning of the clip below. That rivalry keeps growing in intensity and seems like it's about to overflow as the Battle Royale scene keeps getting more crowded.


Watch her videos on YouTube

QueenFPS tends to be much more interactive with her fans during live streams, often keeping an eye on the chat box and talking to them directly. So if you want to have a real back-and-forth with someone and not just get lost in the sea of comments, check out her streams.

She also has lots of excellent tips on where to land and the best places to find great loot early. In other words, you can pick up some great Fortnite habits by watching her vids.



Watch his streams on Twitch

While he may not have nearly the same number of followers as the biggest names -- like Ninja -- Dakotaz is easily one of the best streamers to watch if you want to stay on top of new patch changes and up your Fortnite skills. 

He does some really fun challenges as well, showing players how to properly use everything from shotguns to campfires to guided missiles.


Watch her streams on Twitch

A prolific gamer who covers everything from Turok to drunk games of Uno, lolRenaynay has been getting into Fortnite lately -- and the antics are something you'll definitely want to watch if you haven't tuned in already.

While she doesn't tend to explain her plans or strategies very much, you can still get some great tips on playing squads by watching her techniques. And seeing as the clips tend to be pretty funny and watching her pull off kills is a delight in and of itself, you've really got nothing to lose by checking out her Twitch channel.


Watch his videos on YouTube

Focusing on all sorts of crazy challenges and unexpected shenanigans, Avxry is another streamer with a million+ subscribers that still isn't quite as well known as the biggest names -- and that's a shame.

He's a real character and gets absolutely crazy footage. From playing rock, paper, scissors with his final opponent to building bridges covered in absurd traps to unbelievably lucky no-scope kills his streams show off some of the best Fortnite has to offer. 


Watch his streams on Twitch

This young'un has skyrocketed to the pinnacle of popularity in a crazy-short time -- and for good reason. If you want to dominate in Fortnite, learn how to get to the top and rack up a huge number of kills, then pay attention to how he moves, how he builds, how he travels across the map, and how he hunts for other players.

Fortnite's highly anticipated Season 4 has hit the ground running. There's tons to explore and find -- and there are tons of Victory Royales to be had. And it's a safe bet that these fantastic streamers will be at the forefront of all that new content.

What did you think of our list of the best Fortnite Twitch and YouTube streamers, and did we miss anyone who should have been included? Let us know your go-to streamers that we should be subbing immediately!

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Image of Ty Arthur
Ty Arthur
Ty splits his time between writing horror fiction and writing about video games. After 25 years of gaming, Ty can firmly say that gaming peaked with Planescape Torment, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a soft spot for games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout: New Vegas, Bioshock Infinite, and Horizon: Zero Dawn. He has previously written for GamerU and MetalUnderground. He also writes for PortalMonkey covering gaming laptops and peripherals.