War of the Spark is the most valuable Standard MtG set, and here are 11 cards that have the highest price points on the market.

Magic the Gathering: 11 Most Expensive War of the Spark Cards

War of the Spark is the most valuable Standard MtG set, and here are 11 cards that have the highest price points on the market.
This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

War of the Spark is a highly anticipated Magic: The Gathering set, which offers players extra value with the inclusion of a guaranteed planeswalker card in each booster pack. This marketing strategy is one of the best Wizards of the Coast have ever undertaken.

A vast number of planeswalkers in the set are really good, and the rest are definitely playable. There is already more value in this set than in any other Standard set for MtG.

This doesn't mean that prices will not fluctuate, but this is probably the best time to do it if you ever wanted to invest in a Magic set.

Hopefully, our list of the current most expensive cards in War of the Spark will help you make the right choice.

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Blast Zone

  • Current price: $7.79

This is one of the best new lands in War of the Spark. It has a similar effect to Engineered Explosives, an artifact with extremely effective removal ability.

Currently, Engineered Explosives stands at $40 a piece for an original Fifth Dawn printing. While Blast Zone may not be as fast as Engineered Explosives, the effect still guarantees a pretty high price point for the new land as well.

The other reason why Engineered Explosives is so pricey is the ability to destroy tokens, which is something Blast Zone can't do, since it enters the battlefield with a counter already on it.

That is why don't expect it to rise over $10 a piece, unless players find a simple way to remove the unwanted counter.

Ugin, the Ineffable

  • Current price: $8.82

It's hard to evaluate Ugin, the Ineffable since his abilities look cool at first sight, but then you realize that no colorless deck in Constructed would want to maindeck it.

It's obviously very good for Limited, but that format never had any impact on the financial side of Magic: The Gathering.

Tron archetypes will most likely never play it due to availability of a huge pool of mana, which makes Ugin's passive redundant. While for other colorless staple archetypes this planeswalker would simply be too expensive for six mana.

Of course, it could find its place in Standard, and if that's the case, then the price will stabilize at its current level. Otherwise, expect a significant drop.

Karn, the Great Creator

  • Current price: $9.92

The new Karn planeswalker has no relevant application in Standard and Limited, but it will find its way into Modern and other older formats. It is relatively cheap for only four mana and has an excellent passive ability, which paralyzes artifacts of your opponents.

This means that it won't see much play in maindecks, but it looks like almost every sideboard would want to have a copy or two of it. So this should help keep its price on the current level.

God-Eternal Kefnet

  • Current price: $10.75

The previous incarnation of Kefnet from the Amonkhet block has not been particularly successful. However, this one looks like a much better candidate for blue control decks that run a lot of cheap spells.

Both Standard and Modern players will have a blast playing a 4/5 flying creature for four mana that cannot be destroyed or exiled.

This may indicate that God-Eternal Kefnet may rise in price, although not by much.

Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God

  • Current price: $24.46

When this card was first announced the market has set a price of $50 a piece. In time it halved down, which is a more realistic price. If it shows good results in Standard and beyond, then it will rise up a bit again.

Nicol Bolas is undoubtedly very powerful, so it is definitely the safest investment one can make right now. Although the mana base is a bit awkward, which locks it to be played only in Grixis decks, it's still going to dominate that archetype.

Another possible scenario is that it will have a huge success in Commander format, which is a perfect environment for such powerful planeswalkers.

Teferi, Time Raveler

  • Current price: $14.67

Teferi's passive ability is going to ruin many control match-ups, as it virtually stops all counters being cast. It will have a huge impact on all formats, which should make this planeswalker one of the most sought out on the market right now.

It is already priced fairly high, but there is no doubt that it will grow even higher, as more expensive formats like Legacy and Vintage may heavily rely on this card in the future.

As for its active abilities, then it doesn't really compare to Teferi from Dominaria, but you can use them to draw an extra card every other turn, and maybe even replay something like Snapcaster Mage. But other than that this card is all about that passive.

Liliana, Dreadhorde General

  • Current price: $19.33

Almost all Liliana planeswalkers have been historically very valuable, and it looks like the Dreadhorde General is not an exception either.

All of her abilities are very strong, and this card can be used in almost any type of deck and format. Usually, such powerful universal tools hold up really well on the market, and this one may get even more expensive in time.

The ultimate ability can finish games quickly, and it won't take much to get there, since Liliana already enters the battlefield with six counters. This means that three turns later you can blast all opponent's lands but one and say "Good game."

Gideon Blackblade

  • Current price: $15.38

These days Gideon is more of a creature than a planeswalker, but it doesn't make him less valuable. On the contrary, a 4/4 creature with indestructible for three mana is something every creature-based deck wants to play.

His minus ability is definitely exciting, but a bit expensive. This will surely set many players aback, as historically Gideon's ultimate abilities have almost always been very cheap to activate.

As a result, Gideon Blackblade could drop in price, and the limit of it depends how effectively it will be used in current top-tier decks.

Finale of Devastation

  • Current price: $10.21

Since Green Sun's Zenith got banned in Modern, players have been frantically looking for a decent alternative. And here it finally arrived in War of the Spark.

It does cost one more green mana, but the effect also allows you to search your graveyard and your library, which means that you can put two creatures on the battlefield.

This card will surely find its way into the Elves decks in Modern and some Stompy lists as well. So the $10 price is fully justifiable.

Currently, Green Sun's Zenith is similarly priced, so Finale of Devastation probably won't go any higher either.

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar

  • Current price: $11.84

All hail the Boar God!

The most talked about combo in town is the one when you get to put Emrakul on the battlefield tapped and attacking.

Since there are entire archetypes based around putting Emrakul and other ridiculously powerful creatures on board, Ilharg will definitely see play as that extra damage pusher.

There are simply no drawbacks with Ilharg. It's simple and effective, and that's what most players are looking for.

Depending on how good it will perform there is a big chance that Ilharg will rise in price, and there is no real way to say when it will stop. But this is definitely one of the most investment friendly cards in War of the Spark.

Finale of Promise

  • Current price: $9.29

When people look at this card, it seems that it requires a lot of mana to be able to accomplish anything. But it is actually not true, as pointed out by Burn players in Modern.

You would need only three mana to cast a copy of Lightning Bolt and a copy of Lava Spike from your graveyard and your library, which equals extra six damage.

With this kind of perspective Finale of Promise could easily become one of the Burn staples, if enough players will notice its level of power.


For more War of the Spark guides in MtG check out the list below:

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Image of Serhii Patskan
Serhii Patskan
Contributing Writer
Serhii is the Writer at GameSkinny. He's been writing for GameSkinny since 2015. Before that, he's been writing for various outlets and playing video games, which eventually turned into a passion. The video games that have contributed the most to his enthusiasm for writing about this industry are Magic: The Gathering, Dark Souls, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.