The glory of autumn has finally arrived, which for my family means an unrelenting onslaught of 31 solid days of horror! That's right, we only watch scary flicks, read horror novels, and play creepy renditions of video games for all 31 days of October.
Sometimes that's a tall order on the gaming front considering the relative dearth of horror games in the gaming world, but those who are willing to try diving into the mod community will find that nearly any game you can think of will have some kind of Halloween recreation or scary mod attached to it.
From truly scary total overhauls that add in completely new storylines to silly pumpkin skins simply added for aesthetics, there's something for everyone when it comes to Halloween mods.
Over the next 10 slides we'll show you some of the best Halloween and horror themed mods currently available for the likes of Fallout 4, New Vegas, Skyrim, Arma III, Crysis, Garry's Mod, Goat Simulator, and even Minecraft!

Fallout 4: Pilgrim -- Dread The Commonwealth
Download This Scary Fallout 4 Mod Here
The only appropriate response to this overhaul mod is a simple Keanu-Reeves-inspired, "Woah." Pilgrim -- Dread the Commonwealth drastically changes Fallout 4's tone by changing up the game's color filters and weather, creating a dreary and gritty atmosphere inspired by horror flick The Witch.
But that's not all. Everything gets a creepy remake here, from the terrain to faithful hound companion Dogmeat (who, for now, is just a bit scarier version of his current self. However, in a future update, he will be replaced entirely with the Satanic goat Black Phillip).
For the best scary Fallout 4 experience, combine Pilgrim with the smallest setting on the Pip Boy Flashlight mod and install the Commonwealth Connifers Redux mod for a more forested feel in line with the movie.
Pilgrim is just one of dozens of Fallout 4 horror recreations! Want even more? Check out our full list of Fallout 4 horror mods here.

Fallout New Vegas: Obscurum Pandemic
Download the Obscurum Pandemic Mod Here
One-half survival simulator in the vein of PUBG or Battle Royale and one-half post-apocalyptic horror game, Obscurum Pandemic is a total overhaul of Fallout: New Vegas in the truest sense of the term.
This is an entirely different experience than what you normally get playing as the courier. The character creation and leveling processes have been radically altered, all the vanilla NPCs are gone, new warring factions are added, and monsters galore have now invaded the New Vegas wasteland.
This mod will make you wish you'd never left the Vault.

Skyrim: Epic Halloween Overhaul
Download the Epic Halloween Overhaul Mod Here
If you only get one Halloween-themed Skyrim mod this year, this is unquestionably the one to get. It's got everything all in one bundle: new quests, new locations, and new skins. To top it all off, there are even pumpkin and Halloween light decorations placed everywhere to complete the vibe.
Sadly, this mod isn't compatible with Skyrim: Special Edition, and it takes a little elbow grease to get working in the vanilla game because it's actually three different mod install files instead of one. But the results are well worth the work.
On the plus side, more content and updates are added every year, with the 2017 additions being worked on as we speak.

Skyrim: The Evil Mansion
Download The Evil Mansion Mod Here
Every time I think I've seen the pinnacle of what the modding community can accomplish, I'm consistently proven wrong by something even bigger and better than what's come before.
This latest jaw-droppingly awesome mod for a Bethesda game recreates the first Resident Evil inside Skyrim. Yep, all of it -- even the dogs jumping through the window in the hallway.
Although changes have had to be made to fit within the Skyrim framework, even some of the puzzles and traps have been recreated. Seriously, just get to downloading this one already.

Skyrim: Freddy Krueger
Download the Freddy Krueger Mod Here
The illustrious Skyrim modding community has added in characters from so many other franchises that I doubt I could even find them all in a full day of searching -- let alone download and install even a fraction of them.
But that means that horror- and Halloween-themed characters most definitely have not been left out, with the Headless Horseman and many other figures from myth and legend added to this open world fantasy game.
However, one of the most bizarre (and kind of amazing) has got to be Freddy Krueger. I mean, someone clearly put a lot of work into this mod, even if it doesn't fit the game at all. It has nothing to do with Skyrim and is beyond lore breaking, but it's also pretty awesome. Go ahead and kill Freddy, loot his dream chest, and become the clawed nightmare yourself!
And if you're looking for more ways to spice up your Skyrim experience, make sure to check out our Skyrim mods page!

Crysis: The Worry Of Newport
Download The Worry of Newport Mod Here
This one deserves major kudos for drastically changing the Crysis base game, shifting it from a sci-fi action shooter to an atmospheric Lovecraftian horror game that's slow moving and all about investigation rather than running and gunning.
The Worry Of Newport mod is much more focused on narrative and horror overtones than fast-paced gameplay, so if you dig the idea of playing through a book (or enjoy games like Myst and the 7th Guest, just scarier), this is definitely one to try out.

Arma III: Baphomet
Download the Baphomet Mod Here
We recently took a look at the best all-time mods for the hyper-difficult military shooter Arma III, and Baphomet proudly stands among them -- whether it's Halloween or any other time of year.
Melding together the tactical shooter genre with a storyline akin to Hellgate: London, Baphomet has your squad battling demons and zombies in a fiery hellscape as the denizens of the pit have spilled onto Earth. It's legitimately creepy and a whole new way to experience the Arma franchise.
Want to see what else is up in Arma III modding? Check out the full list of Arma III mods over here.

Garry's Mod: FNAF And Beyond!
- Download Five Nights At Freddy's Here
- Download SOMA Here
- Download Amnesia Here
- Download Alien: Isolation Here
Considering the whole point of Garry's Mod is to change and add in new things, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that there is a horde of horror-themed Steam Workshop add-ons for the game.
Seriously, just hit the Workshop and randomly search for the name of any horror movie or game you can think of and something is almost certain to pop up.
Some of the best mods available include Five Nights At Freddy's, SOMA, Amnesia, and even Alien: Isolation, where modders have worked hard to make the models behave much like they do in their original games. Get ready to be terrified of a fast running Foxy all over again!

Goat Simulator: Slender Survival
Download the Slender Survival Mod Here
Somehow, Slenderman has even managed to sink his fingers into the already-insane world of Goat Simulator, everybody's favorite dumb, time waster of a buggy tech demo.
This mod puts you in a dark survival mode, with a Slendergoat chasing close behind. Couple it with the Goat Simulator first-person mod and you're basically playing Slender: The Arrival, just with a moronic goat who has no bones and can fly.

Minecraft: P.T. Silent Hills Map
Download the P.T. Silent Hills Map Mod Here
Five months of painstaking work went into creating this map, and man does it ever show! Some insane Minecraft fanatic recreated the legendary Silent Hills P.T. playable demo to inject some serious horror into the block building, open world phenomena.
The pounding on the doors. The radio text. Absolutely everything from the (sadly) canceled Silent Hills demo has been lovingly recreated in pixelated form here. We might not ever get the full game, but this mashup experience is a nice consolation prize.
If you're looking for other scary Minecraft experiences or just want to spice up your gameplay, make sure to head over to our Minecraft mods page!

Hopefully, you've got enough mods on hand now to transform any game in your Steam library into its scariest version!
Of course, there's a whole lot more available out there than just the 10 listed here, with plenty more creepy add-ons for all your favorite games available through services like Nexus Mods or the Steam Workshop. If you can't get enough mods to try out this autumn season, check out last year's roundup of horror mods here!
Published: Sep 26, 2017 9:16 PM UTC