CAPCOM’s newest addition to the Ace Attorney franchise, The Great Ace Attorney, takes a step away from the series’ original plot, characters, and time frame. While the series is usually set in current times or the near future, The Great Ace Attorney is set during Japan’s Meiji era. The game is set to follow Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Phoenix Wright’s ancestor, as he leaves Japan, goes to London, and meets with the great consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes. Ryunosuke works alongside Holmes while solving his cases.
The game’s official page has revealed the details of the game’s three limited edition bonuses.
One of the special editions includes e-CAPCOM’s limited edition as well as a special binding, which will cost roughly $90. This set includes:
- the case that keeps everything together, modeled after Sherlock Holmes’ briefcase
- mini Sherlock Holmes and Iris Watson plushies
- a set of 6 postcards
- a Randst Magazine designed A-5 notebook
- a Holmes business card sticker
- Ryunosuke’s university pin
- an illustration collection
- and a mini soundtrack collection
The second limited edition, just e-CAPCOM’s limited edition, costs around $80. It includes everything mentioned above except the illustration collection and mini soundtrack collection. And the final edition, the special binding, includes the soundtrack and illustration collections at around $60.
The game’s regular edition is priced at around $49. Any one who preorders the game from CAPCOM’s online store, though, will receive a code for an original Nintendo 3DS theme download code.
The Great Ace Attorney is set to be released in Japan on July 9th.
Published: Apr 6, 2015 06:43 am