Clicker Games Are Booming on Steam, From Egg to Banana

Have you been taken over by the latest clicker game craze?

banana cucumber
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There is a new trend in gaming, and it’s not what anybody expected. Clicker games like Banana, Banana Cucumber, Egg, and Cats have had a surge in active players that seems like it isn’t going to stop any time soon. Keep reading to find out what’s behind the popularity of these clicker games.

Why Clicker Games Are Becoming So Popular on Steam

blue cat
Image by 100 Cozy Games

As Reddit user SwordOfArey noticed, many clicker games on Steam have been going wild in the past few weeks, prompting many people to wonder why that’s happening. After investigating this for a while, it seems that the big player bases for these games can be explained by at least two factors: positive reviews and hope for profit.

When people see plenty of positive reviews on a new game, they think there must be something fun in there that they’re missing out on and jump in without thinking, especially when it’s a free-to-play game. However, it seems that something dark is behind the positive reviews for these newly popular clicker games.

Namely, plenty of players like Bimjee have posted in the review section that the developers of the clicker game Banana & Cucumber have offered players item rewards if they post positive reviews for the game or reply negatively to negative reviews. This was meant to boost the game’s image and bring in new players.

Also, another wave of comments on Banana talk about the game tricking people into believing that they will get rare and expensive Bananas that they can later sell on the Steam Market while the valuable drops are actually really rare.

Addictive Games (Often) Win

We’re all too familiar by now with how everything around us is gamifying and hacking our attention, and video games are a part of that deal. Who can say that they’ve never been hooked on a game so simple and stupid that they’re embarrassed to admit how many hours they have on it? I don’t believe many people can.

On top of everything mentioned, clicker games seem to be pretty addictive, and they get your attention by making you believe that that sweet new thing that nobody got is just around the corner, and if you would just grind for an extra minute, you just might get it.

That’s it for our piece on clicker games. If you want to keep up with exciting things happening in the gaming industry, make sure to check out our News hub.

About the author

Djordje Ivanovic

Đorđe Ivanović (Djordje Ivanovic) is a writer that has been with GameSkinny from 2024. He has a BA in Journalism and five years of professional writing experience behind him, with a recent personal focus on gaming and technology niches. His interests include WWII games, puzzle games, Path of Exile, Overwatch and other live service games. In his free time, you will find this adamant fan of Dota solving some sort of escape room games, and getting familiar with board gaming.