This article is written in partnership with Robot Cache. Get your own copy of Wasteland 3 for free courtesy of Robot Cache here.
The advent of digital distribution has been a massive boon for the proliferation of the games industry. Smaller teams can self-publish games on platforms such as Steam, GOG, and Epic, allowing creativity to flow through the industry and giving underserved players experiences just for them. One downside, however, is that once you buy something digitally, you can only refund it according to a store’s return policy — and you can’t sell it to another player. Don’t like a game you spent $60 on? The options are limited.
That’s where Robot Cache comes in. Robot Cache is all about allowing buyers to buy, sell, and trade their digital games their own way. If you’re done with something, just resell your games to another user. There’s even potential for a future where a game has been delisted from digital stores but can be resold by someone with a copy. The possibilities are endless now that resales have come to digital distribution.
You might not believe us, however. Maybe this whole thing sounds too good to be true. While simple words won’t do much to persuade you, how about a free game? If you sign-up for an account on Robot Cache, you can claim a free copy of Wasteland 3 on them between July 6, 2023, and July 20, 2023. This will let you try out the service and see if you want to start building your digital library with Robot Cache. One of our best incentives, developers will receive up to 95% of all new purchases made from our storefront. Robot Cache even has free trials for a selection of games, allowing you to sample something for a few hours before committing to a purchase.
In essence, Robot Cache is all about giving you more control over your digital library and letting developers reap the rewards of their hard work. We want to change the face of digital distribution so that players have the choice between building an extensive library of digital titles or off-setting the massive backlogs of free titles and bundled compilations they may have acquired. Let someone else enjoy those games for cheaper while also giving back to the devs.
Published: Jul 6, 2023 6:46 PM UTC