Mojang is introducing the latest Snapshot to Minecraft Java 1.15, Snapshot 19w34a, and it’s all about bees.
Snapshots in Minecraft are test segments for the Java version of the game that introduce one or more new elements. This one focuses on creating and raising bees, plus making good use of all the honey they offer — assuming they’re treated right, of course.
Bees are a new neutral mob that, as in real life, won’t harm you unless you harm them. It’s for the best not to harm them, too, since they die after stinging you. Also like in real life, bees in Minecraft are attracted to flowers and spend all their time enjoying them before going back to their hives and doing it all over again.
In the process, they help pollinate crops and bring their bee friends over to join the flower party as well — sometimes. Some bees will keep the knowledge all to themselves, while others share information in their Nests.
If the plan is keeping bees around, they’ll need a Nest or Hive nearby. Otherwise, they roam until they find one. They also roam if they can’t find nectar and need to return home if it begins to rain.
The Snapshot introduces a few new features as well, like the dispenser and a copy_state function for Loot Tables. The full notes plus a list of fixed bugs can be found here.
The new Snapshot is one in a line of new additions and plans for the game this year, following the big Pillage and Village update earlier this year, which saw a bevy of new additions to the ever-expanding sandbox experience.
On top of that, those hoping to move on from Minecraft‘s blocky graphics might find interest in the recent announcement of new ray tracing graphics updates planned on the back of the dead Super Duper Graphics update.
Minecraft is officially 10 years old, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Published: Aug 22, 2019 6:38 PM UTC