Nintendo of America announced on Twitter that the physical copy of Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition will be released on November 10th. The tweet also included a image of the physical cover box.
The game is already out digitally on the New Nintendo 3DS. The 3DS version of Minecraft allows players to access Creative and Survival modes, while also allowing access to skin packs, texture packs, and more. The 3DS version of the game utilizes the 3DS touch screen which offers a variety of functions like viewing the map, crafting items or checking your inventory. Players can also choose to play the game using the 3DS physical or touch controls.
A Switch edition of Minecraft is also expected to be on its way, but Nintendo has offered no updates on this project.
Is a hard copy of Minecraft for the 3DS tempting? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Minecraft news.
Published: Oct 29, 2017 2:08 AM UTC